29 August 2007


There once was a grieving cell
Who felt isolated from the Whole
Because some pesky biologist
Had enucleated his individual soul—
To find out how why we congregate, he said,
Into complex groups of three or four,
They had cut out his beating heart
And left him empty at the core!
But some kindly soul came along
To tap him on the back,
He said, don’t worry my little friend
It isn’t unity you lack;
No need now for silly reproducing
Or division--here’s the latest score--
The DNA God is dead
And you are free to soar!
Now all you need is to embrace
The HOLOVERSE as a single entity—
Reach out beyond the limited Self
To visions of what true UNITY CAN BE!
Note: This poem is dedicated to Dr. Bruce Lipton and all those who were a part of his great new discoveries in genetical research and the new science of Epigenetics.
Blessings! Nahu Lanham

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