11 October 2007


Table of Contents

I. Encounter 1
The Dream and The Experience 1
II. Dreams as Energy Catalysts 15
III. The Metaphor of Intra-dimensional Dreaming 38
IV. Precognitive Dreams and Transformative
Observation 59
V. The Meaning of Light in the UFO Experience 79
Altered States of Consciousness and the Fourth
Dimension 87
The Perceptual Pie 95
Pure Mind as the Holoversal Self 97
Pure Mind as a Soliton 98
VI. Life as the Psychodrama 103
Pure Mind is like Lucid Dreaming 106
Visualizing the Pie and Eating it Too 107
Pure Mind, Consciousness and Self-Organization 110
Pure Mind, The Divine Template and Spiral Patterns 112
Pythagoras Was a Mystic 113
Receiving the Holy Verse/Holy Ghost/Holoverse 117
Mind, Implicate Order and Perspective 120

VII. The Nature of the UFO Encounter 132
Psychic Contents of the UFO Experience Applied to
Actual Cases 139
VIII. Mind, UFOs And Alternate Dimensions 156
IX. Poltergeists and Psychokinesis 178
Psychic Energy, Pyramids and Intra-dimensions 181

X. UFOs, Sex, Sound and Psychic Energy 191
How Psychic Energy Shapes Physical Reality 202
Sound, Space/time and Perception 204
XI. God From Inner Space 210
The Power of Pure Mind 211
The Role of Water as a Medium for Thought 229
In Summation 241
XII. UFOs and the Global Transformation
of Consciousness 253
Awareness of the Planetary Spirit 257
A Grand Unified Theory of the Origin of UFOs 268
Bibliography 265
Index 269

10 October 2007




It might seem preposterous to consider that Oprah is suffering from a depression that derives from low self-esteem and feelings of rejection. However, I intuitively feel that this is the main reason driving her to cancel the show and opt out of her “favorites” program. The following analysis will seek to explain my intuitive reasoning into the behind-the-scenes emotional elements leading to these decisions.

Many historical figures were known to cover up overwhelming emotional problems by building powerful, secure fortresses to protect their fragile feelings even though they seemed to be at the height of their successes in the world. The truth is outward success in business and the world doesn’t necessarily add up to personal, internal emotional security. For instance, Napoleon, a powerful person that was feared and respected by his men, suffered from a deep, subconscious inferiority complex.

I am not saying that Oprah suffers from similar emotional problems. However, she is suffering from something that bites deeply into her oldest emotional issues, fears of rejection, loneliness related to low self-esteem even though, ironically, she is a successful minority female who has risen to the top financially and is surrounded by millions of admirers. The following speculation has recently surfaced on the net concerning major changes occurring in her life:

"Oprah Winfrey isn't just canceling her talk show -- she's also opting out of her Favorite Things episode. "Favorite Things" still ranks as one of the top searches on Oprah's site -- right after "tickets" -- and no wonder. Guests would walk home with thousands of dollars in merchandise. Companies have been known to put out Facebook requests to fans asking for them to shoot e-mails Oprah’s way to gain a spot on the list that could result in mega sales."

Bear in mind that these “favorite things” are the very things she does for her special people, i.e., her admirers and faithful audiences. Her decision to cancel the talk show and the “Favorite Things” episode is influenced by several reasons. Nonetheless, I intuitively feel that the nexus of her depression derives from the emotionally charged feeling that she has been betrayed or rejected by someone very dear to her. This person might be Gayle King.

Let’s examine some important subtle signs of an evolving emotional turmoil. During forty years of intuitive counseling I have noticed that major alterations in a person’s life are often accompanied by auspicious signs. In Oprah’s case, the ominous deaths of two of her dearly beloved dogs (both died the same year). You have to understand that Oprah is deeply attached to all of her dogs. Dogs, by the way, symbolize friendship and loyalty. One dog died earlier in the year from “choking on a rubber ball.” This is extremely significant because “choking” represents approaching emotional situations that one may have trouble handling. The other dog, “Sofie,” died from a kidney disorder, which is symbolic of an imbalance in one’s emotional life. Keep in mind that dogs have a capacity to form deep emotional bonds with their owners; they can literally absorb their emotional energy. Thus, the deaths of these two dogs hint of Oprah’s growing emotional turmoil. As I have stated earlier, I feel that something took place between Oprah and Gayle that negatively affected their friendship. We have to understand the importance of this relationship to Oprah; for many years it provided a foundation built on a special kind of trust and support that is critical to Oprah’s well being. She once described this friendship as otherworldly, designed by a power greater than her own. The following quote from an article in August issue of the Oprah Magazine eloquently describes Oprah’s feelings toward Gayle:

"Something about this relationship feels otherworldly to me, like it was designed by a power and a hand greater than my own. Whatever this friendship is, it's been a very fun ride."
"I understand why people think we're gay," she says. "There isn't a definition in our culture for this kind of bond between women. So I get why people have to label it — how can you be this close without it being sexual?"

The aim of this article is not to speculate about Oprah’s sexuality, but to emphasize that at this time in her life she is dealing with deep personal issues concerning friendship, self-esteem, love and rejection. The schism in this relationship stirred up many unresolved emotional childhood issues buried in Oprah’s subconscious. In retrospect, her struggle to overcome poverty, low self-esteem associated with abuse and rejection forms a psychological portrait of a woman with a fragile emotional life teetering between an incredibly successful career and a troubled childhood. In addition, Oprah’s past attraction to certain kind of males and the abuse of drugs is also related to her efforts to overcome deeply buried emotional issues. In fact, in alluding to the Chicago businessman Randolph Cook, her boyfriend during the seventies, Oprah once said:

“I always felt that the drug itself is not the problem but that I was addicted to the man.” She added: “I can't think of anything I wouldn't have done for that man.”

In 2007, Oprah had to deal with issues of family betrayal. In May 2007, a New York Post article by Ginger Adams Otis states:

“Now, as Father's Day approaches, Winfrey has discovered that her dad has reportedly been writing a tell-all about her. Winfrey has been betrayed before by family members willing to shred her privacy for a quick buck - including a now-dead half-sister who sold the story of Winfrey's teen pregnancy to a tabloid for $19,000.”

In Toto, the issues that precipitated Oprah’s decision to cancel her show and drop the “favorites” agenda can be summarized as:

1) Failed personal relationships.
2) Problems related to trust and a deep-seated need for sincere love.
3) Painful memories from childhood.
4) Personal disagreements with Gayle, her very best friend.
5) Recent weight gain also added to Oprah’s low self-esteem.

When Oprah made a decision to go public and admit to her audience that she gained 200 pounds, Gayle King was very surprised.

“As her best friend and the editor of O, she told Oprah frankly that she wasn’t looking that good and it would be a risk to compare herself to her 2005 cover shot.”

In summation, these repressed, unresolved issues have changed her profoundly. In a world of facile “niceties” Oprah is craving true sincerity. She is tired of being used. She is anticipating more serious humanitarian work rather than playing Santa and “then sending her audience home with tons of loot.”

Note: For now, the schism in Oprah’s friendship with Gayle is hidden from the public’s prying eyes. However, in the future, the truth will come to the surface.


2 Copyright 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published,
3 Op cite.
4 "Oprah reveals on her show she smoked crack cocaine during her 20s". Jet. January 30, 1995. http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1355/is_n12_v87/ai_16404541. Retrieved August 25, 2008. Archived at FindArticles in 2004
By GINGER ADAMS OTIS Last Updated: 5:00 AM, May 27, 2007
Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/item_ws7FLkIbMySPuzPjEZT24L#ixzz0YEQLhhmX


09 October 2007


Zoroaster defines God as: “Having a spiral form.”

Reality, I find, is a continuous circuit between parts of self or between inner and outer worlds, separated through the selective properties of identity. In fact, these worlds reveal universes united by symbolic bridges of similarities in perspective. While individual perspective can unite separate universes into one cohesive whole, it can also divide them.
The whole of the inner universe superimposes from micro to macrocosm, which can be seen as a continuous circuit bridging multiple planes of energy. A web of transformational patterns combines planes of energy into a cohesive whole, gestalt to gestalt, imprinting the whole throughout creation, like a hologramic imprint. This inner process is a cosmic blueprint of God’s mind, and in it I see a mental snowflake of the individual frozen in time. What is commonly called individual reality is this ‘snowflake’ imprint from within these multiple worlds and originating in the mind of GOD.
Individual reality follows contours from beyond itself, comparable to the imagination of an artist whose paintings follow imagery from another level of reality. Each of us borrows energy from this same fountain existing far beyond our mundane lives, composite patterns from a holographic universe. Wave interlaced upon wave, each separated but still united to form an ocean. Our singular vision originates therefore, in this ocean of cosmic proportions, swirled together in a creative painting of self, spiraling downward through wormholes from the God source.
It is not by chance that Theodor Schwenk wrote an important volume called SENSITIVE CHAOS, where he said on page 54, the chapter on the effects of Vortex Rings, that he noted an intrinsic unifying pattern (similar to an intra-dimensional vortex) imprinted upon the macrocosm in the structure of physical objects. The following is his remarks:
“An organ is orientated in relation to the whole organism and also to the surrounding cosmos; yet has its own rhythms and forms inner surfaces of its own. All the different stages of the formation of a vortex, from the commencement of overlapping to the completed curling in of the layers of water, serve nature in her formative creativity. During the course of development every organism and each of its organs must pass through a liquid state. The various possibilities of movement offered by the vortex present a direction along which an organ may develop before it eventually acquires its own individual specialized function.”
Theodor Schwenk’s discovery clearly reveals a process of development for evolution in terms of primary shape and movement,which can be seen in the simplest forms of life and pseudopodia. These primordial organisms follow an internal blueprint field or template that provides a course for probable growth. Notice that Schwenk makes an inference to the vortex as a primary channel for molding the fluidic internal processes of life and growth.
The vortex shape appears as a creative pattern behind matter at its most primary levels. In my fourteenth chapter on Angel Hair, I will examine in detail how vortices unite dimensions and act as channels or vehicles through which the actual production of the UFO form emanates. Theodor Schwenk theorizes that the evolution of form is morphologically based on vortex patterning, recognizing that an originating cosmic geometry working from inside matter gives primary direction and function to evolving, organic 3-d objects.
Physicist Paul Davies, author of the book THE COSMIC BLUEPRINT, 1989, on page 203 presented a similar idea for a microcosmic blueprint that he likens to the mind of God at work in his creations:
“The very fact that the universe is creative, and that the laws have permitted complex structures to emerge and develop to organize its own self-awareness—is for powerful evidence that there is ‘something going on’ behind it all. The impression of design is overwhelming.”And I submit that if it is a blueprint of the creator, then that pattern must reveal much about the form and structure of its originator, since God is said to be omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent. It would follow that this pattern must have its extensions clearly in organic form at every level. Masaru Emoto, author of the renowned work THE HIDDEN MESSAGES IN WATER, demonstrates a pattern of thought-transference also linked to its creator, i.e., the individual thinker. Emoto shares with us his experimentation with frozen water crystals, which reveal elaborate patterns projected into them via thought from diverse emotions such as love, anger, fear and other powerful feelings. The patterns created are all unique, each one characteristic of the whole of the emotional content of the person projecting the thoughts in terms of the quality of shape and esthetic completeness. It was like looking at a microcosm of the evolution of the world from its originator.
J. Von Neumann’s examination of a self-replicating internal pattern can be found in his book THEORY OF SELF-REPLICATING AUTOMATA, as it attempts to describe the effects of a universal constructor or principle, working behind the scenes in all structures. This internalized principle is held accountable for the replication of forms surviving over chaos, and is theorized to occur when a certain threshold of complication takes place. His astute papers reveal the clear imprint of a greater principle inherent in 3-d forms.
But to return to the primary organizing factor in the evolution of form, in terms of underlying patterns, Theodor Schwenk clearly demonstrates the effect of an inherent basic pattern in various particulate stages of matter. This internal shaping process superimposes a definite course, as if from a blueprint with a deft, cosmic geometric signature. Some call it deity, while others call it a self-replicating principle or view it scientifically in terms of a wave-interference process or hologram. As for me, I sense it as evidence of perspective, or the observation principle creatively at work at coordinate energy points in a dream universe. At these points the psychological descent of energy bifurcates into multiple universes. Suffice it to say, that our imagination does not create in a haphazard, chaotic jumble of irrational forces, but instead, follows an internal template (THE SPIRAL FORCE) that is revealed in the natural invaginations and curvatures of space-time.
From the book: UFOs: GOD FROM INNER SPACEAvailable at amazon.com or:outskirtspress.com/UFOsGodfrominnerspace


I can't help but feel that for the most part, people are totally missing the significance of this enormously important archetype of transformation upon our society at large.

Here it is in dramatic relief, the major meme of transformation (written about in my new book on UFOs) here dramatically provided by our collective unconscious and evident for everyone to see, indicating a huge shift is taking place in consciousness.

The following videos were all were taken April 25-27, 2007. This is the kind of evidence the world should be alerted to. All of us need to realize the presence of the spiral/atman/God is rare indeed and pivotal to our synchronous awareness as it materializes clearly for everyone to see. That is why I feel driven to share the portent of its presence using these high quality photos to demonstrate.

C. G. Jung wrote extensively about this archetype and its transformational properties years ago and collected archives of information which were made readily available in his book "Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Sky." The most wonderful thing about this encounter with the numinous is that it is a phenomenon that it isn't a myth at all, but a living, interactive, organic symbol, which makes its presence known to us prior to major social or world transitions.

C. G Jung would say that it acts as a healing circle that attempts to reunite the schism that appears during these times of change. In that sense it is, like all encounters with the wholistic kind, a healing symbol, so in that sense its appearance is even more poignant. It also signifies a wave frequency alteration as the spiral undergoes an active interface between one cycle of consciousness and a new world encompassing a total alteration of perspective.

Everyone should be abuzz as this archetype merges from beyond to couple with our contemporary mind, clearly forcing everyone in its psychic path to drop their mundane prattle, look up and pay automatically undergo a spiritual renaissance.

The signature importance of this introduction of this archetype into the contemporary mien, cannot be under estimated as indicative of a living God-form or spiritual meme and so therefore must be wholly shared with the world. And behold, of all times, it appears, here and now, in all its glory! Everyone please take time to view it and think about its powerful significance. Read Jung's book if not my book entitled: UFOs: GOD FROM INNER SPACE.

Above all, watch these videos and you life will never be the same!


Be sure to go through all the Brooklyn video images, they are spectacular! Notice the plasma shape of its force field; this is orgone in its purest state and the outer manifestation of internal template that exists below the surface of the material plane. An alternate dimension, just like that described by Erwin Abbott in FLATLAND, and like those in Lineland, not readily observable because of most humanities local limitations in perspective.

Enjoy! And please take it seriously. Don't overlook this opportunity to be a part of this most paramount precursor of social, political and world changes.

Member Comments:

Now That's Novel!
Submitted by Jeffery DeCelles on June 20, 2007 - 7:07am.
Nahu, I watched the Brooklyn videos several times, and concur on the Plasmic appearence. A mirror-like reflectivity is apparent. I grok a turbulent boundary surrounding the manifestation. Maybe a phase-transition zone between dimensional continua?I also note coronal discharge indications. This suggests high energy gradients at the boundary, no surprise, if this thing is an ingression of higher dimensional topology. Thanks for the links. You continue to act as quite the Nexus of Novelty, Sensei! PAX-JED

The "Orgone/Plasma" Connection is Only One Level
Submitted by Nahu Lanham on June 22, 2007 - 12:07pm.
Yes, I agree on your description of the topology of a "phase-transition zone" as this meme crosses over into the 3-d perimeter in the Brooklyn video, but another extremely important commingling or impinging aspect of this archetype is its tendency to instigate transformations of consciousness. This is the result of the quantum or non-local wave as it conjugates with parallel dimensions in the hologram.
On an individual or personal level, this means all those who have encountered the memes 'replicating" associations, will in like mind, undergo personal and social encounters that could be spectacular. For instance, I already have met a number of people who have viewed the video (and the other two) who have reported some impressive changes in their lives, in their dreams and in their self-awareness that could be deemed 'meaningful conjugates' of Wholistic superposition.
From beyond the veil~Nahu Lanham

08 October 2007

UFOs, God and the Spiral Template

Just got off the phone from a fantastic radio interview with Jerry Pippin about my new book UFOs: GOD FROM INNER SPACE--ttp://fastwalkers.com/featured/JerryPippin.htm
Within minutes of that interview, synchronistically, this video suddenly appeared in my email that I am including of a spiral-shaped UFO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76VSjppjWDY&mode=related&search=

I am sure a number of people here are familiar with the fact that I have written a book about UFOs that explains the phenomena as an intra-dimensional materialization process that involves mind on a quantum level and an internal, creative principle I term the Spiral Template.

The body of this principle is essentially toroidal and flattens out into a lenticular or lens-shaped form, similar to the pattern seen in the mega-galaxies and the exemplified by fractals, sea shells and helical-shaped structures throughout the world.

It is also the term for my model that describes Spirit or the Creative Principle in nature.
Having said this I wish to share with you this video sent to me from a gentleman in the UK who has a wonderful website devoted to UFO related phenomena, of a recent film taken over Brooklyn by two men. In this film the spiral or revolving toroidal shape is quite observable as it moves away over the horizon. Please note the spinning effect and lights. As I see it, UFOs have the capacity of changing shape via a tetrahedron/vortical source activated by the mind of the individual apperceiving it. Bear in mind that at the center of this constellation of energies reside the nuclei of the holographic Self, thus each individual encounters beings meaningful to their own personal archetypal or symbolic memory bank.

For those who are familiar with the UFO as seen by a multitude of witnesses, it manifests itself in an energetic, cyclonal spiral radiating light and affecting EM fields as it moves about. I believe that this is a paranormal polymerization phenomena and that is why we find residue such as angel hair, as it is known.

I base these assumptions upon my personal encounter with a swirling, spiral light that activated a total spiritual and psychic transformation in my psyche, now over forty years ago. That particular activation has never ceased and even to this day I have numerous UFO related dreams and encounters with intra-dimensional teachers and synchronistic, paranormal experiences.

For those who may be follow up on this data they may view my book can at:http://outskirtspress.com/webpage.php?ISBN=1598001779

Many blessings~

Nahu Lanham