14 June 2007


Every time I see the results of war and devastation on innocent victims of "adults behaving badly" I think of that rediculous saying above. "Take the toys away from the boys",a radical newspaper headline read under a photo of long lines of tanks, armored cars and rockets all prepped and ready for 'legalized murder."

I shuttered remembering the wild antics of my own father as he reached for the gun just under the divan and shot my brother "n" law over a bottle of hooch and a stupid wrestling match on the tellie. Fact is, he had five guns hidden in the living room all primed and ready for violence, and went for them every time there was any indication of an opportunity. I should know, I was on the receiving end of his gun toting impetuosity, and ran more than once for cover to avoid his crazed reactions.

You know, the one's we have to think about most of all in this craziness we call 'the right to bear arms' is the children, women and old folks caught-up in the fallout, they are the real victims often called by the government the accidental or incidental 'collateral damage.'

Iraq is one endless bloody reminder of this kind of damage, and another not very long ago was the Isreali/Lebanon conflict that still burns images in my skull of armless and legless children being carried, and the anguished, crying faces of people who moaned out the collective question, "Why? Why? Why??"

And still, the hue and cry goes out for the right to bear arms, while society keeps saying, guns and war are reserved "for adult's only". But think a minute, isn't that the worst misnomer, I mean, who are--the adults here? Is it those children bearly 18, the youth who must die in the futile struggle of the older generation battling over a world no one can own?

The truth still remains, we are all the victims when we allow this kind of insanity to continue. We must work together, everyone, to end these inane limbic system games, residue of our reptilian past. Wars and weapons of mass destruction must come to an end and the world body stand up and act like they have functioning prefrontal lobes and think what kind of future these anachronisms bring, before we act.

We must begin the construction of a New World incentive of collecive, peaceful co-existence based on mutual respect and forged by that spiritual golden rule, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you," but this time really mean it!!

Nahu Lanham