22 September 2007


"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, not the most intelligent, but the most responsive to change." - Charles Darwin, "The Origin of Species"

In terms of imperative our environment is God and in a chaos of change, slams the emergent organism with a blizzard of demands. It is only the most highly mutable genome that can adapt and survive its bombardment.

Some of the bedraggled earmarks of human adaptative responses to change can be seen in the rapid growth of current our version of reality found in the 24/7 Network Society. Our frantic efforts at response and adaptation can be seen the frenzied looks of humanity now caught in the explosions of informational fallout upon the senses: the loss of identity, the diversity of spiritual paths, social confusion and technological misdirection.

In a society driven by unending schedules and informational overloads we find a lack of time/space orientation and the need for a fulfilling concept of "being" that is applicable to the NOW. In the concept of a NOW space, one can find comfort in something that frees them, albeit intellectually, from the dissonance of this storm of information that blurs the edges of what is real.

The God of yore that was identifiable in terms of a "outside" readily attainable entity, who guided us and could be reached through intercession or prayer, has slowly dissolved and replaced by philosophy and ideas that attest to our need for mental, emotional and spiritual direction.

Perhaps we have turned away from this 'outward' source, or parochial God that we knew from simple tribal states when information was minimal and reality was simple, because and in response to this surplus of information from "outside" sources. The God of change we leaned about in Biology 101 who taught us all we needed to know through stimulus/response, has fallen in the light of informational overload, and our reaction can be seen in this tendency of mankind to trash the environment, as if in retaliation for the additional chaos that has become far too much to bear.

Could it be that humanity is at war with God?

In this input from 'outsourcing' we find in the informational age of the 24/7 Network Society, can be found the fallout of intellectual arrogance and its partner, disharmony. The consequences of this bombardment from our top intellectuals is revealed in the lost, vacant eyes of our youth now far from the country home of yesterday, hooked on Ipod, and the endless quest of adults haplessly searching through media streams, sheep who have strayed far away from the master—sheep who have become shepherds and who have stolen the keys to the Garden of Eden and laughed in the face of its maker.

How far and when will humankind return and by what route, are the next questions that need an answer. Can an escape from the vortex of the 24/7 Network Society's informational time stream save us, or will it simply bog us more deeply in the blizzard of informational chaos that now seems almost insurmountable?

Right from the beginning of the book, its introduction, even the concept of 24/7 lends itself to an overload of detail that leaves us struggling for meaning in the wake of its swift passage:

"First it seems worthwhile, no matter how appropriate or taken for granted the term 24/7 may seem, to try to define or explain what it means. The designation turns out to be of uncertain provenance. Google wasn’t much help to us in trying to clear things up. With characteristic overkill it located some 171,000,000 pages of possible relevance (in 0.17 seconds). After sifting through the first ten results, however, we were already discouraged. Predictably, perhaps, most of the results were related to media companies who for one reason or another had 24/7 in either their company name or as an indication of the time frame in which they promise to deliver their product or service. The only exception to this commercial rule was 24/7 Prayer (http://www.24/ prayer.com), which offers “non-stop prayer’” across the nation."1

This remark and its obvious suggestion, clearly accentuates the desperation in terms of identity loss and spiritual misdirection that is the direct result of an informational overkill!

Many blessings~Nahu Lanham

1-24/7 Time and Temporality in the Network Society edited by Robert Hassan & Ronald E. Purser 2007 Stanford, University Press.

21 September 2007


We oftentimes get wrapped up in arbitarily discribing ourselves as one person or another, (whether in terms of time or space) when in reality we are in the ultimate reality a trans-person, that is, a constantly changing array of personages, each only variations on a general theme of the WHOLE.

Please bear in mind that "all" of these characters arise from a wholistic holo-framework in which we interact in a creative matrix loosely describing our worldview. Quantum mechanically speaking, we are all collapsing each others waves as we collectively create the holoworld in which we find our collective beinghood.

Because these converging waves of identity are constantly merging, mershing and exchanging information and energy, every change in individual perspective--as we "observe"--recreates and alters in some way the incoming streams of information exchanged in this collective wave matrix called the HOLOVERSE.

Because this information is constantly being exchanged and altering the HOLOFRAMEWORK of the COLLECTIVE MATRIX, the "YOU" that is viewing the HOLOVERSE is never the same, and likewise, neither is the matrix of the HOLOVERSE that is viewed.

Thus, individual "I's" and "illusory worlds" are never the same because they are so radically altered by every new input of information and because of all the convergence of incoming streams of information each has automatically received by this collective sharing.

So that is why I tend to question the personage you refer to when you say, "This is who I am," when in fact, that person you are talking about doesn't really exist, nor does the world in which that person existed.


Multiple Blessings from an infinitely converging HOLOVERSAL SELF! Nahu Lanham

17 September 2007


Back in 1975 I was running home, as usual, from work where I was a waiter in a club called 9-of-Cups. Even though I worked on my feet all day it was still a joy to run home late at night. But that night, when I ran home, it had rained hard and the street was littered with downed tree limbs and debris. I guess I should have been more careful but it was so much fun to sprint through the streets that I didn't see one particular long branch which caught my forward momentum, severely twisting my ankle and foot, upon which I fell heavily.

At first ignoring it, another automatic habit of mine, I got up and started running once again, but suddenly, to my surprise, excrutiating pain shot through my ankle and I collapsed down upon it with a groan. Wow, this time it really hurt.

Carefully I got back up and limped home. At home I soaked my ankle for a few minutes in cold water and went to bed. By 4 AM I was turning and tossing with terrible pain and anguish. Reluctantly, I went to the hospital seeking help.

At the door of the emergency room they asked me if I had insurance, which I didn't, in fact, I only had twenty dollars on me and my credit, at that time, was fairly shot. As is the standard of any business institutions, (not healing temples) they refused me service and wouldn't take my twenty down.

Suffice it to say that being in horrible pain I was in no mood to fool with them and started complaining loudly--finally they recanted and let me come in, bitterly taking my last twenty as if disgusted, as a down payment. Inside a clerk checked me in as I sat on a chair next to her desk.

The pain hurt so badly that I put my foot up on the desk to relieve the it. Rudely, she swept my foot off on the floor and said, "Don't put your foot up on my desk!" The sudden pain was almost unbearable.
The next thing I was taken into an x-ray room to discover what I already knew, that the foot was broken severely. They gave me a set of crutches and told me to come back in two days.
Back home the next day, after the rude treatment, and now possessing a charge of 290.00 dollars for an x-ray and crutches, I made up my mind to apply my own skills at healing. So I called a couple of spiritually gifted friends and altogether we laid hands on my foot. In two days I was up and running again and the pain was completely gone--the swelling was gone down too.

From then on I made up my mind never to get any treatment from hospitals or so-called doctors unless there was no alternative. And I never did to this day. I stopped using any medicines--not even aspirins. I don't take drugs at all (and not so-called leisure sorts) into my system, not even white sugar. I found that we can do most of what we need ourselves with positive visualization and belief. After all, healing doesn't come from outside us, it comes from within--and our connection to the creative healing source of the Holoverse, which is our collective Selves working as ONE, united in MIND AND SPIRIT.

Also, since then, I have been actively engaged in healing people. If anyone needs a healing let me know and I will help them.

Here is a recent healing I wish to share with everyone at the Noetic Institute that someone wrote me about that I performed last month in San Francisco on a lady, while I was spending a short vacation there.

This letter came to me via Blackberry and is totally untouched or changed in any way for your enjoyment: THE HEALING

Wendell wants to talk to you. Ever since you saw her mother and did that healing--she has made, according to doctors and nurse-- a "miraculous recovery". She has regained her mental acuity (no longer deusional), she is now walking, going to physical therapy, gaining weight, and active. They said they have never seen anyone in her condition and age make such a swift and dramatic recovery.
RonSent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile