18 May 2007


In days of yore sacrifice was a common artifice employed by man to appeal to the various gods to insure the continued benefits they might bestow. For instance, in Aztec mythology, Cinteotl, the maize god, symbolizing continued fertility and a bountiful harvest,required corn sacrifices.

This God came to me in a dream last night and said,

"There has not been enough sacrifice of the corn, thus, the crops will not bear a rich harvest.Your people must get back to the corn rituals."

I intuitively understood this to mean that we are being warned to get back in tune with the planet, and perhaps the 'old fertily Gods' at a deeper level, to insure a continued rich harvest for the coming years ahead.

Perhaps, this is the God's messages warning us that sacrifice is necessary if we are to survive as a people, and this means that we must do without some niceties of civilization if we are going to continue to be beneficiaries of the rewards they will bestow upon us.

This is not an easy lesson for humans, since we have gotten into the belief that we can now call the tune of the world. The old gods frowned on arrogance and the fall of The Tower of Babel was a good example.

This dream suggests that we must learn to give backto the planet if we are to receive. The real secret implicit in this omen is that to achieve success as a collective species we must organically recycle torestore the balance between humanity and the planet.

Gaia has been good to us, and now we must in turn, be good to her.

This is the message of the Corn God.

Many blessings!Nahu Lanham

16 May 2007


Most people, I am sure, are familiar with the term that is bandied about in religion that "God knows our every thought." But have you ever wondered if this is true, and if so, how could it be?

My inquiry into the contemplation of this thought led me to examine the Whole and its Parts in terms of theoretical physics for answers. For instance, one theory of physics, more specifically David Bohms' (Wholeness and the Implicate Order) indicates that we are all part of an undifferentiated Whole that is unified with the every other part, and that the appearances of separation or fragmentation is really an illusion created by the divisionary qualities of our senses.

The other predominant theory has it that we are essentially each separated into our singular space, each isolated in a unique universe that does not allow us complete access to each other. In such a universe, we never are able to fully make contact with one another. This kind of universe is based on the idea that no two atoms can occupy the same space.

But the juncture where I stand is metaphorically closer to the function of the corpus callosum in the brain, i.e., without a bridge between the dual lobes, the two hemispheres could never fully collaborate to create a complete picture of reality. Therefore, these two examples of reality could only provide lopsided or distorted pictures of its intrinsic nature.

Without the bridge in the middle between the oppositions imposed by these dual views of reality, a clear understanding of the Whole and its Parts, I feel, would be fundamentally impossible.
The bridge of the corpus callosum plays the same role of consciousness, that is, it gives us the ability to perceive holistically, and/or provides an opportunity to comprehend how the Whole is in the Part and the Part is in the Whole.

It also provides another vital role which might be overlooked at first glance; it connects us via the Third Eye, the all-seeing center of consciousness with the realization that God is with us at all times--and moreover, it tells us a story that is sudden and shockingly important: God needs us as much we need God.

Self-awareness, or transcendental consciousness provides this key because it tells us that a unit of Wholeness exists in every Part and that each Part, in turn, has its special connection with the Whole.

For me, this understanding is dynamically integral. Just think of it--God is with us at every moment and,therefore, in essence, can never be separated from us.

This is the source of the Universal meaning of Wholeness. i.e., when we locate this center of our consciousness known as Self, we link-up with our Oneness with God.

Much peace!


The essence of our choice for the Self we are tomorrow abounds in the midst of today's probability waves, none of which is entirely the Present You, or even the one you might meet and accept to be the real you in the future. In terms of time, linearality is a matter of perspective, and the self we identify with in the present is not the self that existed in what we think was the past.

We are, in fact, a product of converging wave streams that meet in the ego "I" that we piecemeal identify for the moment, and call our Real Self. But even this so-called "Real Self "is just the relative Self. When we wake up to the fact that we need not be limited to any one Self, expansion of consciousness takes place and a great transformation occurs. Ideally,during this supra-conscious awakening we move outward from the pinpoint of perspective we call the Present Self and suddenly possess the wonderful capacity to keep right on going into infinity!

This is the moment when we can encounter our Infinite Self, that wholistic consciousness of our Oneness and Unity with all-that-is. Buddha described this moment when we glimpse our blissful Oneness with all things, as Enlightenment.

Just think of it, a) we reside in a morass of Probable Selves. b) we have a fantastic, momentary window of opportunity to choose any path, and c) at that precise window of choice, WE HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO ENCOUNTER NIRVANA!

What will your choice be when you awaken to the probable new YOU that is waiting? Shall it be just a relative Self you settle for, or will you soar beyond this window of opportunity and claim ETERNAL BLISS?

Nahu Lanham

15 May 2007


Real movement
Is holo-movement
That begins here
And ends everywhere
Becomes a way of life
Vast distance become
United through
breathless curvature
Replaces mere running
Time sprinter's dash
Without locomotion
Across vast holo-decks
And Olympians take a back seat
To 4th dimension holo-Nikes
Strapped-on make believe
That shatters realities
Like Northern Lights
In splintered matrices of sound
Holophonically rebounding
Through sightful, sightless eyes
That see everywhere
And nowhere ...
Becomes familiar territory
Appearing somewhere
In relativistic measurement
Across cosmic blackboards
Where some old-school mendicants
Keep mindlessly repeating,
"Dr. Einstein, where are you when we need you?"

Excerpt from: WAVELETS outskirtspress.com/WAVELETS

14 May 2007


I especially wanted to share this fascinating example of someone getting into "the synchronicity groove," and discovering how much it can change their life.

Inspiration of the Day:

Nancy Yi Fan, now an eighth-grader, was too young to know she was breaking every rule in the book when she e-mailed her first manuscript directly to the president and CEO of HarperCollins. "I was being quite bold thinking I had nothing to lose," says Nancy. "I thought, maybe she will give me some advice." Instead, CEO Jane Friedman, gave her a contract, passing Fan's allegorical story about warring avian factions and their quest for peace to her children's division, which published 'Swordbird' this spring. Her story would be amazing for any teen but has another remarkable twist: Fan came to the United States from China just six years ago, knowing only a few words of English. She says "Miss Goodwin," her first English-as-a-Second-Language teacher, "lit the spark of literature in my heart."

What was so fascinating about this (and of course, I am sure that many here at the Noetic Institute have experienced some kind of synchronicity in their lives) is that this small child followed a hunch, so to speak, and look how it paid off for her!

Why did this happen and what does it tell us about synchronicity is the next question? I believe it takes place because Nancy got into the groove of a greater wheel outside the linear flow of her normal left-brain time-space sequencing.

What this means, is that she keyed into alternate reality just beyond the accustomed fringes of her conscious awareness. By doing this, she was able to tap into a probable reality that led her directly into a different time flow. In this new Whole, or time-space flow, she moved from the impossible to the possible.

See how it was just a mind-slip away? That's how close the possible new you is too--just a nanno-second off from the cycle that you are in now. So stay aware for these probable 'you's' waiting just beyond the visual range of your senses. Who knows--it could lead to a totally new world of possibilities!!

Happy Synchronicities!!
Nahu Lanham