21 September 2007


We oftentimes get wrapped up in arbitarily discribing ourselves as one person or another, (whether in terms of time or space) when in reality we are in the ultimate reality a trans-person, that is, a constantly changing array of personages, each only variations on a general theme of the WHOLE.

Please bear in mind that "all" of these characters arise from a wholistic holo-framework in which we interact in a creative matrix loosely describing our worldview. Quantum mechanically speaking, we are all collapsing each others waves as we collectively create the holoworld in which we find our collective beinghood.

Because these converging waves of identity are constantly merging, mershing and exchanging information and energy, every change in individual perspective--as we "observe"--recreates and alters in some way the incoming streams of information exchanged in this collective wave matrix called the HOLOVERSE.

Because this information is constantly being exchanged and altering the HOLOFRAMEWORK of the COLLECTIVE MATRIX, the "YOU" that is viewing the HOLOVERSE is never the same, and likewise, neither is the matrix of the HOLOVERSE that is viewed.

Thus, individual "I's" and "illusory worlds" are never the same because they are so radically altered by every new input of information and because of all the convergence of incoming streams of information each has automatically received by this collective sharing.

So that is why I tend to question the personage you refer to when you say, "This is who I am," when in fact, that person you are talking about doesn't really exist, nor does the world in which that person existed.


Multiple Blessings from an infinitely converging HOLOVERSAL SELF! Nahu Lanham

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