Thought is at the nucleus of all creation, big and small,whole and part. In fact, original thought created the holoverse. And it is this originating first thoughts of the Creator that produces the Whole and its myriad separate parts. The Parts, as we encounter them, are simply different levels or dimensions of first creation, in the relative scheme of thing. The truth is, neither Wholes nor Parts exist by themselves, but are reflective of the perceptual limitations of our mortal sensory apparatus, and when viewed from the point of the Creator, linear time doesn't actually exist either; its illusory nature is only due to our relative apperception of the Whole we percieve of wave-like stages in the parts that meet the sensory eye.
In the wholistic scheme of things, when the Creator thinks, billions of galaxies are born. From these originating thoughts mega-systems of universes, are spewn forth linked together through a common holistic bond. The galaxies are the nuclei of these original thought forms seen emanating from visions within the Creator's mind.
There are two specific parts to this Wholistic Pattern of Creation, as I perceive it; let us start with the first:
1) A pattern of Wholeness guides Creation, let us call it a holon. A holon is an innate unified pattern of Whole/Parts, according to its discoverer, the well known spiritual philospher of our time, Ken Wilber. He states that there are no Wholes or Parts, only holons, "Wholes within Wholes." This concept is based on a view of reality as a process of becoming that follows a common pattern from which all things evolve, while maintaining an integral holistic link; something like the process of autopoeisis, i.e. a self-replicating or organizing principle that connects the Whole to each Part without compromising the integrity. Let us think of it as a continuous or connective unit of wholeness within every part. This continuous connectivity is a Wholistic Binding Principle behind the ongoing creation of Maya.
The second part of this principle I shall describe as a phonon or Sound Bite. A phonon, according to quantum scientists, occurs when temperature approaches absolute zero, and sound behaves like quantum particles. At this point sound becomes a "bite" or a congealed, vibratory frequency unit. At this point sound has materialized as a physical mass. A phonon could be simply described as a thought form, or a "sound bite" projected from the mind of the Creator. To become a material object in the Maya of physicality, it must go through a vibratory focus change to assume relative mass as an object.
In the light of these two definitions, we now arrive at a the combination of holons and phonons as holon/phonons, which translates to a self-replicating pattern created from the mind of the Creator. Now comes the reduction of this concept to its personally relative essentials; bare in mind that the creation of thought forms is going on all the time within our deepest Self. We are holon/phonons of the Creator, i.e., we create our reality in the same manner as the Original Creator.
A question comes to mind, what are you doing with your creative energy today? Are you creating a Holoverse that is aware of itself, or are you diverting your creative energies into a dissipative chaos?
Looked at from a positive perspective, a holon/phonon is tetrahedronal in nature, that is, it radiates positive energy outward from its nucleus, but if it is focused inwardly, like a black hole, its radiation of light only survives as a meagre virtual particle; and thus its light only radiates at best in half light.
Take full charge of your creation holon/phonon, and let your Godly light shine out!
Nahu Lanham
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