13 August 2007


After reading an article on the internet that revealed our low rating in the world for life expectancy, and after reading posts about "why," I couldn't help but cough up the following social phlegm. Now I ask for your endulgence and that you consider what this country is turning into if we don't act concertedly to stop the corruption.

If you want to know why we lag behind all those other countries just take a good look at your television, movies--even today after tons of examples most people disregard the fact that cigarette smoking leads to death. They continue to suck on those cancer sticks, even though they are hacking themselves into an early grave.

Tons of people still practice 'random sex' with strangers without condoms, in fact promiscuity is "in" on every dating show on t.v., even though aids is still going strong and is just as deadly.
People eat fatty, fast foods and never exercise and its considered cool in most of the movies and slick t.v. shows, even when they are told almost daily that diets like these lead to an early grave.
People continue to drink beer, wine and other mixed drinks, whiskey, vodka and whatever else sounds chique or "in," disregarding the fact that it rots the liver and produces esophageal cancer. Again, check the tellie, currrently stupid alcohol ads have sneaked right past censorship and are shown daily after many shows, including children's programs and during sports, as if drinking had something to do with masculinity. In fact, a lot of television focuses on subliminal drinking ads in comedies and college oriented (such as Girl's Gone Wild) sexual videos and documentaries.

Look at our children, they are gross, over pampered, sensationalistic brats, exposed to sex, violence in the movies, poor dieting in schools and at home--because many of the parents are getting high and are just too lazy to care.

We live in an indulgent, sick society that imitates the worst elements from the inner city who perpetuate stupid gang principles as a way of life. Why, we can't even get our tatooed, lip-pierced, low rider, ass-exposing, baggy pants-wearing kids to pay attention to anything but smoking dope and yelling "What's up dude," or "f-- you, man," long enough to turn the cacophony of 'ho's', shorties, slippin’ past the man, optimum primo smoke, gang signals, crip blasting, race baiting, low life rap music off to listen.

And don't ask the doctors for guidance either, because all they can think about is "Do you have insurance," or "Here, let me write you a prescription for pharmaceuticals," you don't even need. Every form of quackery is available, including steroids, because they are easy money for unscrupulous doctors to exploit--and almost anyone can get whatever they want, including fake excuses from work and insurance scames, right from their family physician.

Most of our movie star’s who should be symbols for our children to emulate, (never mind what they are teaching the adults that adore them) but instead most them are idiots, drug addicts or simply so screwed up they are incapable of leading, (except a few) let alone acting as examples of anything morally noteworthy to follow.

That's right folks, check out your television closely, because in reality it has been taken totally over by corrupt, criminal syndicate chiefs who hide behind liberalism and freedom of speech because it fools the critics and those who make it easy to slip crap by us when it is packaged in “trendy” or “cool” dialogue.

It used to be that most of the obvious crooks ran Las Vegas, but the term "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas," has pervaded the U.S. and crime has become a way of life on every strata.

You wonder why nothing is really being done about environmental crimes or why we keep hearing more about silly, little rich girls going to jail for DUI’s when all this is going on? It’s a smoke screen to hide the fact that our cities are run by corrupt politicians and even our president is made fun of on roasts that turn his wisest sayings into a joke. It has become passe to trust politicians because they are shown in every way to be obvious hustlers and con artists.

So what's a little more bad food, environmental poison and ill health and our children got to do with it? Why all this corruption and negative imagery has become a way of life; that's why it's overlooked.

To tell the truth, it takes an extremely focused head and an independent mind to stay out of the refuse that is presented as healthy or cool and survive in a time when going against what is intelligent and logical is considered weak and silly.
I wish to applaud all of us for keeping our heads up and our vision clear here at the Noetic Institute. We are the front runners and possibility thinkers that must now lead this social ship that is swiftly sinking in the slime and quickmire of our present society.
Nahu Lanham

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