17 July 2007



I am a professional psychic and have been with it for over forty years. I have the ability to see into the physical body, some call it Medical Intuitive, plus I have seen forward, backwards and sideways through time, and I have visited other dimensions outside of this space-time continuum.

Beings from other dimensions have spoke with me and directed my development and have shown me things about the structure and nature of reality. I OOBe quite frequently and know that lucid dreaming is a doorway between worlds. Synchronicity is the principle by which I live my life and I have an intuitive sense of the Whole in Every Part. I have communicated with many forms of life including both plants and animals and they with me.

My life has been a series of mystical happenings and it is not unusual for me gain tremendous insights through dreams and retain it upon waking. To me spirit communication is as real as communication in the physical and I am quite sensitive to vibrations of many sorts.

I say all this not to brag, amuse or entertain anyone, but to tell you that there are no real limitations to your psychic self-development or awarenesses than that which you allow them to be. You are in charge of your abilities and it is only because you choose not to release yourself from the entrapment of Maya for a time, partly because of experiences in another time and space, that you seek outside of yourself today for confirmation of that which is truly yours to use and explore.

Finally, the nature of the holoverse is that of Maya or illusion, be not fooled by its appearances. You are at the very center of reality, controlling what you encounter via your own perspective. Think of your perspective, or the ego-I, as being like a telescope, but with the capacity to expand outward like a pyramid in the creation of the world you view as external, or to collapse inward into the subatomic realm through the form of a vortex. This duality is your psychic key to multiple worlds.

Remember this: You are the captain of the ship of SELF bound to mystical shores of your own experiences. Not long ago you strove to open the door to your greater self but chose, at that point, to close it. Now again that door is beckoning--and it is now up to you to make that decision to open it--which you will.

Are you ready for the new challenge just ahead? Your life is just about ready to really begin.

My blessings on your trip inward. You have many worlds to visit this time around.

Nahu Lanham
author of: UFOs: God FROM INNER SPACE

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you know me. you freed me.