11 May 2007


Someday there will come a time
In the money game we play
When the urge for collecting cash
Will shrival fast away
When social classes dwindle
No hint of rich or poor
Everyone will help each other
And the bank will close its door
When the world is all one country
Without barriers or fear
And weapons will be melted
Into a plow we all can share
When all can travel freely
Of nationality not one sign
No need for making green cards
In governmental red tape lines...
No real estate for the privileged
Or special care for the few
No need for tax loopholes
That the clever can fall through
In the sunlight of this new dawn
We will cast out this meme of greed
Let go of the virus of selfishness
And heal the fear of need!
Many blessings possibility thinkers!
Nahu Lanham

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