11 October 2007


Table of Contents

I. Encounter 1
The Dream and The Experience 1
II. Dreams as Energy Catalysts 15
III. The Metaphor of Intra-dimensional Dreaming 38
IV. Precognitive Dreams and Transformative
Observation 59
V. The Meaning of Light in the UFO Experience 79
Altered States of Consciousness and the Fourth
Dimension 87
The Perceptual Pie 95
Pure Mind as the Holoversal Self 97
Pure Mind as a Soliton 98
VI. Life as the Psychodrama 103
Pure Mind is like Lucid Dreaming 106
Visualizing the Pie and Eating it Too 107
Pure Mind, Consciousness and Self-Organization 110
Pure Mind, The Divine Template and Spiral Patterns 112
Pythagoras Was a Mystic 113
Receiving the Holy Verse/Holy Ghost/Holoverse 117
Mind, Implicate Order and Perspective 120

VII. The Nature of the UFO Encounter 132
Psychic Contents of the UFO Experience Applied to
Actual Cases 139
VIII. Mind, UFOs And Alternate Dimensions 156
IX. Poltergeists and Psychokinesis 178
Psychic Energy, Pyramids and Intra-dimensions 181

X. UFOs, Sex, Sound and Psychic Energy 191
How Psychic Energy Shapes Physical Reality 202
Sound, Space/time and Perception 204
XI. God From Inner Space 210
The Power of Pure Mind 211
The Role of Water as a Medium for Thought 229
In Summation 241
XII. UFOs and the Global Transformation
of Consciousness 253
Awareness of the Planetary Spirit 257
A Grand Unified Theory of the Origin of UFOs 268
Bibliography 265
Index 269

10 October 2007




It might seem preposterous to consider that Oprah is suffering from a depression that derives from low self-esteem and feelings of rejection. However, I intuitively feel that this is the main reason driving her to cancel the show and opt out of her “favorites” program. The following analysis will seek to explain my intuitive reasoning into the behind-the-scenes emotional elements leading to these decisions.

Many historical figures were known to cover up overwhelming emotional problems by building powerful, secure fortresses to protect their fragile feelings even though they seemed to be at the height of their successes in the world. The truth is outward success in business and the world doesn’t necessarily add up to personal, internal emotional security. For instance, Napoleon, a powerful person that was feared and respected by his men, suffered from a deep, subconscious inferiority complex.

I am not saying that Oprah suffers from similar emotional problems. However, she is suffering from something that bites deeply into her oldest emotional issues, fears of rejection, loneliness related to low self-esteem even though, ironically, she is a successful minority female who has risen to the top financially and is surrounded by millions of admirers. The following speculation has recently surfaced on the net concerning major changes occurring in her life:

"Oprah Winfrey isn't just canceling her talk show -- she's also opting out of her Favorite Things episode. "Favorite Things" still ranks as one of the top searches on Oprah's site -- right after "tickets" -- and no wonder. Guests would walk home with thousands of dollars in merchandise. Companies have been known to put out Facebook requests to fans asking for them to shoot e-mails Oprah’s way to gain a spot on the list that could result in mega sales."

Bear in mind that these “favorite things” are the very things she does for her special people, i.e., her admirers and faithful audiences. Her decision to cancel the talk show and the “Favorite Things” episode is influenced by several reasons. Nonetheless, I intuitively feel that the nexus of her depression derives from the emotionally charged feeling that she has been betrayed or rejected by someone very dear to her. This person might be Gayle King.

Let’s examine some important subtle signs of an evolving emotional turmoil. During forty years of intuitive counseling I have noticed that major alterations in a person’s life are often accompanied by auspicious signs. In Oprah’s case, the ominous deaths of two of her dearly beloved dogs (both died the same year). You have to understand that Oprah is deeply attached to all of her dogs. Dogs, by the way, symbolize friendship and loyalty. One dog died earlier in the year from “choking on a rubber ball.” This is extremely significant because “choking” represents approaching emotional situations that one may have trouble handling. The other dog, “Sofie,” died from a kidney disorder, which is symbolic of an imbalance in one’s emotional life. Keep in mind that dogs have a capacity to form deep emotional bonds with their owners; they can literally absorb their emotional energy. Thus, the deaths of these two dogs hint of Oprah’s growing emotional turmoil. As I have stated earlier, I feel that something took place between Oprah and Gayle that negatively affected their friendship. We have to understand the importance of this relationship to Oprah; for many years it provided a foundation built on a special kind of trust and support that is critical to Oprah’s well being. She once described this friendship as otherworldly, designed by a power greater than her own. The following quote from an article in August issue of the Oprah Magazine eloquently describes Oprah’s feelings toward Gayle:

"Something about this relationship feels otherworldly to me, like it was designed by a power and a hand greater than my own. Whatever this friendship is, it's been a very fun ride."
"I understand why people think we're gay," she says. "There isn't a definition in our culture for this kind of bond between women. So I get why people have to label it — how can you be this close without it being sexual?"

The aim of this article is not to speculate about Oprah’s sexuality, but to emphasize that at this time in her life she is dealing with deep personal issues concerning friendship, self-esteem, love and rejection. The schism in this relationship stirred up many unresolved emotional childhood issues buried in Oprah’s subconscious. In retrospect, her struggle to overcome poverty, low self-esteem associated with abuse and rejection forms a psychological portrait of a woman with a fragile emotional life teetering between an incredibly successful career and a troubled childhood. In addition, Oprah’s past attraction to certain kind of males and the abuse of drugs is also related to her efforts to overcome deeply buried emotional issues. In fact, in alluding to the Chicago businessman Randolph Cook, her boyfriend during the seventies, Oprah once said:

“I always felt that the drug itself is not the problem but that I was addicted to the man.” She added: “I can't think of anything I wouldn't have done for that man.”

In 2007, Oprah had to deal with issues of family betrayal. In May 2007, a New York Post article by Ginger Adams Otis states:

“Now, as Father's Day approaches, Winfrey has discovered that her dad has reportedly been writing a tell-all about her. Winfrey has been betrayed before by family members willing to shred her privacy for a quick buck - including a now-dead half-sister who sold the story of Winfrey's teen pregnancy to a tabloid for $19,000.”

In Toto, the issues that precipitated Oprah’s decision to cancel her show and drop the “favorites” agenda can be summarized as:

1) Failed personal relationships.
2) Problems related to trust and a deep-seated need for sincere love.
3) Painful memories from childhood.
4) Personal disagreements with Gayle, her very best friend.
5) Recent weight gain also added to Oprah’s low self-esteem.

When Oprah made a decision to go public and admit to her audience that she gained 200 pounds, Gayle King was very surprised.

“As her best friend and the editor of O, she told Oprah frankly that she wasn’t looking that good and it would be a risk to compare herself to her 2005 cover shot.”

In summation, these repressed, unresolved issues have changed her profoundly. In a world of facile “niceties” Oprah is craving true sincerity. She is tired of being used. She is anticipating more serious humanitarian work rather than playing Santa and “then sending her audience home with tons of loot.”

Note: For now, the schism in Oprah’s friendship with Gayle is hidden from the public’s prying eyes. However, in the future, the truth will come to the surface.


2 Copyright 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published,
3 Op cite.
4 "Oprah reveals on her show she smoked crack cocaine during her 20s". Jet. January 30, 1995. http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1355/is_n12_v87/ai_16404541. Retrieved August 25, 2008. Archived at FindArticles in 2004
By GINGER ADAMS OTIS Last Updated: 5:00 AM, May 27, 2007
Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/item_ws7FLkIbMySPuzPjEZT24L#ixzz0YEQLhhmX


09 October 2007


Zoroaster defines God as: “Having a spiral form.”

Reality, I find, is a continuous circuit between parts of self or between inner and outer worlds, separated through the selective properties of identity. In fact, these worlds reveal universes united by symbolic bridges of similarities in perspective. While individual perspective can unite separate universes into one cohesive whole, it can also divide them.
The whole of the inner universe superimposes from micro to macrocosm, which can be seen as a continuous circuit bridging multiple planes of energy. A web of transformational patterns combines planes of energy into a cohesive whole, gestalt to gestalt, imprinting the whole throughout creation, like a hologramic imprint. This inner process is a cosmic blueprint of God’s mind, and in it I see a mental snowflake of the individual frozen in time. What is commonly called individual reality is this ‘snowflake’ imprint from within these multiple worlds and originating in the mind of GOD.
Individual reality follows contours from beyond itself, comparable to the imagination of an artist whose paintings follow imagery from another level of reality. Each of us borrows energy from this same fountain existing far beyond our mundane lives, composite patterns from a holographic universe. Wave interlaced upon wave, each separated but still united to form an ocean. Our singular vision originates therefore, in this ocean of cosmic proportions, swirled together in a creative painting of self, spiraling downward through wormholes from the God source.
It is not by chance that Theodor Schwenk wrote an important volume called SENSITIVE CHAOS, where he said on page 54, the chapter on the effects of Vortex Rings, that he noted an intrinsic unifying pattern (similar to an intra-dimensional vortex) imprinted upon the macrocosm in the structure of physical objects. The following is his remarks:
“An organ is orientated in relation to the whole organism and also to the surrounding cosmos; yet has its own rhythms and forms inner surfaces of its own. All the different stages of the formation of a vortex, from the commencement of overlapping to the completed curling in of the layers of water, serve nature in her formative creativity. During the course of development every organism and each of its organs must pass through a liquid state. The various possibilities of movement offered by the vortex present a direction along which an organ may develop before it eventually acquires its own individual specialized function.”
Theodor Schwenk’s discovery clearly reveals a process of development for evolution in terms of primary shape and movement,which can be seen in the simplest forms of life and pseudopodia. These primordial organisms follow an internal blueprint field or template that provides a course for probable growth. Notice that Schwenk makes an inference to the vortex as a primary channel for molding the fluidic internal processes of life and growth.
The vortex shape appears as a creative pattern behind matter at its most primary levels. In my fourteenth chapter on Angel Hair, I will examine in detail how vortices unite dimensions and act as channels or vehicles through which the actual production of the UFO form emanates. Theodor Schwenk theorizes that the evolution of form is morphologically based on vortex patterning, recognizing that an originating cosmic geometry working from inside matter gives primary direction and function to evolving, organic 3-d objects.
Physicist Paul Davies, author of the book THE COSMIC BLUEPRINT, 1989, on page 203 presented a similar idea for a microcosmic blueprint that he likens to the mind of God at work in his creations:
“The very fact that the universe is creative, and that the laws have permitted complex structures to emerge and develop to organize its own self-awareness—is for powerful evidence that there is ‘something going on’ behind it all. The impression of design is overwhelming.”And I submit that if it is a blueprint of the creator, then that pattern must reveal much about the form and structure of its originator, since God is said to be omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent. It would follow that this pattern must have its extensions clearly in organic form at every level. Masaru Emoto, author of the renowned work THE HIDDEN MESSAGES IN WATER, demonstrates a pattern of thought-transference also linked to its creator, i.e., the individual thinker. Emoto shares with us his experimentation with frozen water crystals, which reveal elaborate patterns projected into them via thought from diverse emotions such as love, anger, fear and other powerful feelings. The patterns created are all unique, each one characteristic of the whole of the emotional content of the person projecting the thoughts in terms of the quality of shape and esthetic completeness. It was like looking at a microcosm of the evolution of the world from its originator.
J. Von Neumann’s examination of a self-replicating internal pattern can be found in his book THEORY OF SELF-REPLICATING AUTOMATA, as it attempts to describe the effects of a universal constructor or principle, working behind the scenes in all structures. This internalized principle is held accountable for the replication of forms surviving over chaos, and is theorized to occur when a certain threshold of complication takes place. His astute papers reveal the clear imprint of a greater principle inherent in 3-d forms.
But to return to the primary organizing factor in the evolution of form, in terms of underlying patterns, Theodor Schwenk clearly demonstrates the effect of an inherent basic pattern in various particulate stages of matter. This internal shaping process superimposes a definite course, as if from a blueprint with a deft, cosmic geometric signature. Some call it deity, while others call it a self-replicating principle or view it scientifically in terms of a wave-interference process or hologram. As for me, I sense it as evidence of perspective, or the observation principle creatively at work at coordinate energy points in a dream universe. At these points the psychological descent of energy bifurcates into multiple universes. Suffice it to say, that our imagination does not create in a haphazard, chaotic jumble of irrational forces, but instead, follows an internal template (THE SPIRAL FORCE) that is revealed in the natural invaginations and curvatures of space-time.
From the book: UFOs: GOD FROM INNER SPACEAvailable at amazon.com or:outskirtspress.com/UFOsGodfrominnerspace


I can't help but feel that for the most part, people are totally missing the significance of this enormously important archetype of transformation upon our society at large.

Here it is in dramatic relief, the major meme of transformation (written about in my new book on UFOs) here dramatically provided by our collective unconscious and evident for everyone to see, indicating a huge shift is taking place in consciousness.

The following videos were all were taken April 25-27, 2007. This is the kind of evidence the world should be alerted to. All of us need to realize the presence of the spiral/atman/God is rare indeed and pivotal to our synchronous awareness as it materializes clearly for everyone to see. That is why I feel driven to share the portent of its presence using these high quality photos to demonstrate.

C. G. Jung wrote extensively about this archetype and its transformational properties years ago and collected archives of information which were made readily available in his book "Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Sky." The most wonderful thing about this encounter with the numinous is that it is a phenomenon that it isn't a myth at all, but a living, interactive, organic symbol, which makes its presence known to us prior to major social or world transitions.

C. G Jung would say that it acts as a healing circle that attempts to reunite the schism that appears during these times of change. In that sense it is, like all encounters with the wholistic kind, a healing symbol, so in that sense its appearance is even more poignant. It also signifies a wave frequency alteration as the spiral undergoes an active interface between one cycle of consciousness and a new world encompassing a total alteration of perspective.

Everyone should be abuzz as this archetype merges from beyond to couple with our contemporary mind, clearly forcing everyone in its psychic path to drop their mundane prattle, look up and pay automatically undergo a spiritual renaissance.

The signature importance of this introduction of this archetype into the contemporary mien, cannot be under estimated as indicative of a living God-form or spiritual meme and so therefore must be wholly shared with the world. And behold, of all times, it appears, here and now, in all its glory! Everyone please take time to view it and think about its powerful significance. Read Jung's book if not my book entitled: UFOs: GOD FROM INNER SPACE.

Above all, watch these videos and you life will never be the same!


Be sure to go through all the Brooklyn video images, they are spectacular! Notice the plasma shape of its force field; this is orgone in its purest state and the outer manifestation of internal template that exists below the surface of the material plane. An alternate dimension, just like that described by Erwin Abbott in FLATLAND, and like those in Lineland, not readily observable because of most humanities local limitations in perspective.

Enjoy! And please take it seriously. Don't overlook this opportunity to be a part of this most paramount precursor of social, political and world changes.

Member Comments:

Now That's Novel!
Submitted by Jeffery DeCelles on June 20, 2007 - 7:07am.
Nahu, I watched the Brooklyn videos several times, and concur on the Plasmic appearence. A mirror-like reflectivity is apparent. I grok a turbulent boundary surrounding the manifestation. Maybe a phase-transition zone between dimensional continua?I also note coronal discharge indications. This suggests high energy gradients at the boundary, no surprise, if this thing is an ingression of higher dimensional topology. Thanks for the links. You continue to act as quite the Nexus of Novelty, Sensei! PAX-JED

The "Orgone/Plasma" Connection is Only One Level
Submitted by Nahu Lanham on June 22, 2007 - 12:07pm.
Yes, I agree on your description of the topology of a "phase-transition zone" as this meme crosses over into the 3-d perimeter in the Brooklyn video, but another extremely important commingling or impinging aspect of this archetype is its tendency to instigate transformations of consciousness. This is the result of the quantum or non-local wave as it conjugates with parallel dimensions in the hologram.
On an individual or personal level, this means all those who have encountered the memes 'replicating" associations, will in like mind, undergo personal and social encounters that could be spectacular. For instance, I already have met a number of people who have viewed the video (and the other two) who have reported some impressive changes in their lives, in their dreams and in their self-awareness that could be deemed 'meaningful conjugates' of Wholistic superposition.
From beyond the veil~Nahu Lanham

08 October 2007

UFOs, God and the Spiral Template

Just got off the phone from a fantastic radio interview with Jerry Pippin about my new book UFOs: GOD FROM INNER SPACE--ttp://fastwalkers.com/featured/JerryPippin.htm
Within minutes of that interview, synchronistically, this video suddenly appeared in my email that I am including of a spiral-shaped UFO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76VSjppjWDY&mode=related&search=

I am sure a number of people here are familiar with the fact that I have written a book about UFOs that explains the phenomena as an intra-dimensional materialization process that involves mind on a quantum level and an internal, creative principle I term the Spiral Template.

The body of this principle is essentially toroidal and flattens out into a lenticular or lens-shaped form, similar to the pattern seen in the mega-galaxies and the exemplified by fractals, sea shells and helical-shaped structures throughout the world.

It is also the term for my model that describes Spirit or the Creative Principle in nature.
Having said this I wish to share with you this video sent to me from a gentleman in the UK who has a wonderful website devoted to UFO related phenomena, of a recent film taken over Brooklyn by two men. In this film the spiral or revolving toroidal shape is quite observable as it moves away over the horizon. Please note the spinning effect and lights. As I see it, UFOs have the capacity of changing shape via a tetrahedron/vortical source activated by the mind of the individual apperceiving it. Bear in mind that at the center of this constellation of energies reside the nuclei of the holographic Self, thus each individual encounters beings meaningful to their own personal archetypal or symbolic memory bank.

For those who are familiar with the UFO as seen by a multitude of witnesses, it manifests itself in an energetic, cyclonal spiral radiating light and affecting EM fields as it moves about. I believe that this is a paranormal polymerization phenomena and that is why we find residue such as angel hair, as it is known.

I base these assumptions upon my personal encounter with a swirling, spiral light that activated a total spiritual and psychic transformation in my psyche, now over forty years ago. That particular activation has never ceased and even to this day I have numerous UFO related dreams and encounters with intra-dimensional teachers and synchronistic, paranormal experiences.

For those who may be follow up on this data they may view my book can at:http://outskirtspress.com/webpage.php?ISBN=1598001779

Many blessings~

Nahu Lanham

24 September 2007


If you want to really defy gravity and sail through life you have to dump as much of the socially contrived myths about aging as possible. That's right--you have to "lighten up" because you could be carrying tons of grave, mental weight that can push you into an early grave.

Have you ever heard people say, "If I wasn't so old I could do this or that?" or, "I can't do that anymore, I'm over the hill!" or, "Once you reach a certain age, you have to give up certain things in life?" I'm sure you know what I mean, that old kowtowing to socially engrained myths that cut off your positive thinking and reduce your physical efforts to live your life fully and have fun doing it. Being too serious can bring you down and overload you with gravity--and weighty thoughts lead not only to overly serious attitudes but eventually to most of our physical ailments and surprisingly--to weight gain. Weighty mental habits equal sluggish physical performance.
Most of this type of thinking is just the accumulation of passive, self-defeating, lathargic mental habits that come from a distorted self-image, and this isn't all your fault. We inherit most of the negative, self-limiting beliefs from the collective limiting beliefs and theories of the mass mind. These are common myths and you have unwittingly let yourself become a victim of them.
To get rid of the poor mental/physical habits, all you have to do is to tell yourself that you won't buy into those common beliefs anymore and watch as you begin to recognize
and automatically discard the myths. Start paying closer attention to what you hear and how much of it you accept about your age limit and expectations. Listen closely to the advertisments on television, at the supermarket, in the magazines you read, notice how they play on these myths about age, health...
Notice how all these unnecessary myths have overburdened you, loaded you down with excessive fear and doubts.
Take a sigh of relief and thank your lucky stars that you have awakened and began to lighten up. It's more than a matter of simple wording--it's about your vision of yourself. Open your heart and mind up to the Possible New You and begin to breathe freely. Remember:
Lighthearted, happy people are uplifting not only to others, but most importantly to themselves. Levity is all about altitude. How high are you flying today?

22 September 2007


"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, not the most intelligent, but the most responsive to change." - Charles Darwin, "The Origin of Species"

In terms of imperative our environment is God and in a chaos of change, slams the emergent organism with a blizzard of demands. It is only the most highly mutable genome that can adapt and survive its bombardment.

Some of the bedraggled earmarks of human adaptative responses to change can be seen in the rapid growth of current our version of reality found in the 24/7 Network Society. Our frantic efforts at response and adaptation can be seen the frenzied looks of humanity now caught in the explosions of informational fallout upon the senses: the loss of identity, the diversity of spiritual paths, social confusion and technological misdirection.

In a society driven by unending schedules and informational overloads we find a lack of time/space orientation and the need for a fulfilling concept of "being" that is applicable to the NOW. In the concept of a NOW space, one can find comfort in something that frees them, albeit intellectually, from the dissonance of this storm of information that blurs the edges of what is real.

The God of yore that was identifiable in terms of a "outside" readily attainable entity, who guided us and could be reached through intercession or prayer, has slowly dissolved and replaced by philosophy and ideas that attest to our need for mental, emotional and spiritual direction.

Perhaps we have turned away from this 'outward' source, or parochial God that we knew from simple tribal states when information was minimal and reality was simple, because and in response to this surplus of information from "outside" sources. The God of change we leaned about in Biology 101 who taught us all we needed to know through stimulus/response, has fallen in the light of informational overload, and our reaction can be seen in this tendency of mankind to trash the environment, as if in retaliation for the additional chaos that has become far too much to bear.

Could it be that humanity is at war with God?

In this input from 'outsourcing' we find in the informational age of the 24/7 Network Society, can be found the fallout of intellectual arrogance and its partner, disharmony. The consequences of this bombardment from our top intellectuals is revealed in the lost, vacant eyes of our youth now far from the country home of yesterday, hooked on Ipod, and the endless quest of adults haplessly searching through media streams, sheep who have strayed far away from the master—sheep who have become shepherds and who have stolen the keys to the Garden of Eden and laughed in the face of its maker.

How far and when will humankind return and by what route, are the next questions that need an answer. Can an escape from the vortex of the 24/7 Network Society's informational time stream save us, or will it simply bog us more deeply in the blizzard of informational chaos that now seems almost insurmountable?

Right from the beginning of the book, its introduction, even the concept of 24/7 lends itself to an overload of detail that leaves us struggling for meaning in the wake of its swift passage:

"First it seems worthwhile, no matter how appropriate or taken for granted the term 24/7 may seem, to try to define or explain what it means. The designation turns out to be of uncertain provenance. Google wasn’t much help to us in trying to clear things up. With characteristic overkill it located some 171,000,000 pages of possible relevance (in 0.17 seconds). After sifting through the first ten results, however, we were already discouraged. Predictably, perhaps, most of the results were related to media companies who for one reason or another had 24/7 in either their company name or as an indication of the time frame in which they promise to deliver their product or service. The only exception to this commercial rule was 24/7 Prayer (http://www.24/ prayer.com), which offers “non-stop prayer’” across the nation."1

This remark and its obvious suggestion, clearly accentuates the desperation in terms of identity loss and spiritual misdirection that is the direct result of an informational overkill!

Many blessings~Nahu Lanham

1-24/7 Time and Temporality in the Network Society edited by Robert Hassan & Ronald E. Purser 2007 Stanford, University Press.

21 September 2007


We oftentimes get wrapped up in arbitarily discribing ourselves as one person or another, (whether in terms of time or space) when in reality we are in the ultimate reality a trans-person, that is, a constantly changing array of personages, each only variations on a general theme of the WHOLE.

Please bear in mind that "all" of these characters arise from a wholistic holo-framework in which we interact in a creative matrix loosely describing our worldview. Quantum mechanically speaking, we are all collapsing each others waves as we collectively create the holoworld in which we find our collective beinghood.

Because these converging waves of identity are constantly merging, mershing and exchanging information and energy, every change in individual perspective--as we "observe"--recreates and alters in some way the incoming streams of information exchanged in this collective wave matrix called the HOLOVERSE.

Because this information is constantly being exchanged and altering the HOLOFRAMEWORK of the COLLECTIVE MATRIX, the "YOU" that is viewing the HOLOVERSE is never the same, and likewise, neither is the matrix of the HOLOVERSE that is viewed.

Thus, individual "I's" and "illusory worlds" are never the same because they are so radically altered by every new input of information and because of all the convergence of incoming streams of information each has automatically received by this collective sharing.

So that is why I tend to question the personage you refer to when you say, "This is who I am," when in fact, that person you are talking about doesn't really exist, nor does the world in which that person existed.


Multiple Blessings from an infinitely converging HOLOVERSAL SELF! Nahu Lanham

17 September 2007


Back in 1975 I was running home, as usual, from work where I was a waiter in a club called 9-of-Cups. Even though I worked on my feet all day it was still a joy to run home late at night. But that night, when I ran home, it had rained hard and the street was littered with downed tree limbs and debris. I guess I should have been more careful but it was so much fun to sprint through the streets that I didn't see one particular long branch which caught my forward momentum, severely twisting my ankle and foot, upon which I fell heavily.

At first ignoring it, another automatic habit of mine, I got up and started running once again, but suddenly, to my surprise, excrutiating pain shot through my ankle and I collapsed down upon it with a groan. Wow, this time it really hurt.

Carefully I got back up and limped home. At home I soaked my ankle for a few minutes in cold water and went to bed. By 4 AM I was turning and tossing with terrible pain and anguish. Reluctantly, I went to the hospital seeking help.

At the door of the emergency room they asked me if I had insurance, which I didn't, in fact, I only had twenty dollars on me and my credit, at that time, was fairly shot. As is the standard of any business institutions, (not healing temples) they refused me service and wouldn't take my twenty down.

Suffice it to say that being in horrible pain I was in no mood to fool with them and started complaining loudly--finally they recanted and let me come in, bitterly taking my last twenty as if disgusted, as a down payment. Inside a clerk checked me in as I sat on a chair next to her desk.

The pain hurt so badly that I put my foot up on the desk to relieve the it. Rudely, she swept my foot off on the floor and said, "Don't put your foot up on my desk!" The sudden pain was almost unbearable.
The next thing I was taken into an x-ray room to discover what I already knew, that the foot was broken severely. They gave me a set of crutches and told me to come back in two days.
Back home the next day, after the rude treatment, and now possessing a charge of 290.00 dollars for an x-ray and crutches, I made up my mind to apply my own skills at healing. So I called a couple of spiritually gifted friends and altogether we laid hands on my foot. In two days I was up and running again and the pain was completely gone--the swelling was gone down too.

From then on I made up my mind never to get any treatment from hospitals or so-called doctors unless there was no alternative. And I never did to this day. I stopped using any medicines--not even aspirins. I don't take drugs at all (and not so-called leisure sorts) into my system, not even white sugar. I found that we can do most of what we need ourselves with positive visualization and belief. After all, healing doesn't come from outside us, it comes from within--and our connection to the creative healing source of the Holoverse, which is our collective Selves working as ONE, united in MIND AND SPIRIT.

Also, since then, I have been actively engaged in healing people. If anyone needs a healing let me know and I will help them.

Here is a recent healing I wish to share with everyone at the Noetic Institute that someone wrote me about that I performed last month in San Francisco on a lady, while I was spending a short vacation there.

This letter came to me via Blackberry and is totally untouched or changed in any way for your enjoyment: THE HEALING

Wendell wants to talk to you. Ever since you saw her mother and did that healing--she has made, according to doctors and nurse-- a "miraculous recovery". She has regained her mental acuity (no longer deusional), she is now walking, going to physical therapy, gaining weight, and active. They said they have never seen anyone in her condition and age make such a swift and dramatic recovery.
RonSent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

13 September 2007


We must keep in mind when identitfying ourselves in terms of religion, social class, race, national boundaries, as only illusions slides, partial perspectives of a greater whole. Now is the time to drop the silliness of remaining parts to join the WHOLE.

We are all children of the Holoverse, impinging solitons catching up with the Mega-Wave. We all have our place in the HOLOVERSE. But to be here requires accepting each other as individuals, and learning to live together in consciousness of the ONE.

It is the nature of life to network, from molecule to complex organism, to become ONE unanimous WHOLE.

After all, we are part of a big game we jointly play with this cosmic ball of Maya, this organic, mutable bio-hologram, a constantly changing and growing patchwork crystal, a spin-off fractal from a common spiral--one image, one light among billions. So why get so excited about our tiny speck--this wavering light, this dim reflection of our possible selves?

Remember: We are all children of the HOLOVERSE. One slide in a sea of interlocking images in an Escher print of the divine--each perspective but one angle. We are only becoming what we can be. And when we shine as ONE LIGHT--we shine brightest.


01 September 2007


According to Darwin's theory of the evolution of variations or traits, the uniqueness of each species increases according to the pressures encountered in each geographical region.
Thus the most persistent, or dominate traits or qualities are factors that aid each organism in a unique way.

Clearly, nature focuses o the creation of specifically unique traits by diversifying, which ironically, is the chief factor that leads into conflictual, territorial imperatives in separate species. But the question remains, what is it in this drive toward individuality that drives us to unite into networking,wholistically complex systems?

Unfortunately, much of our knowledge about our origin comes second fiddle, or from the position we occupy at this evolutionary point in time and space. It is difficult to resolve it because we are like someone caught in the impossible perspectives of an Escher print, not knowing where we are going due to our perceptual limitations.

Hence, the answers as to why the our evolutionary pieces fit into a wholistic picture remains obscure. Strangely, the solution to the question appears to emerge in spite of the differences created by individuality.

In this puzzling enigma of how nature resolves the problem of how to unite these warring parts into a whole, while reducing the natural tendency to conflict, comes with thermodynamic practicality--employ the uniqueness of each trait in a complementary union!


Blessings, Nahu

31 August 2007


Society is a macrocosm of the individual spirit. If there is no changes within oneself, then all the cleaning up "outside," like the newly pressed out wrinkles of wrong doing in our behavior on the surface, means nothing.

A good analogy can be found in the pseudo "rehabilitative efforts," of clever prisoners made to get out. For example, a lot of inmates discovered that all they had to do was tell the "man" they have changed, had a spiritual revelation, were now ready to alter their life. After that, they took a training course and went up in front of the Parole Board and automatically were freed.
But strangely, after getting out they suddenly were back in trouble and had returned. The prison boards wondered why their carefully developed programs weren't working and discovered after careful scrutiny that the inmates had learned how to con the system--that is, to give society what they wanted to see, rather than really change.

The moral of the story:

Change, or rehabilitation from wrong action, must take place within oneself. Unless that change is real, deep and sincere, all the retraining and programming in the world won't be effective.
The truth is we must "will" the change in ourselves. Not just open to receive a new way of thinking, but actively involved in willing that change in ourselves--followed next by right action.

To change the world we must must first "CHANGE OURSELVES" and really mean it!
Nahu Lanham.

Matthew 7:16, “You will know them by their fruits.”

My good friend Dr. Ron Purser, a practicing Buddhist and insightful philosopher/writer from the University of California at San Francisco, sent me a letter he recieved in his email from the great environmental warrior "Al Gore" today, and I wanted to share this correspondence along with my following comments:

Here is Al Gores' letter:

"As you know, the Earth is moving closer to several negative "tipping points" that could -- within as little as 10 years -- make it virtually impossible for us to avoid irretrievable damage to the planet's habitability for human civilization. That is one of the reasons why it is urgent we take action as soon as possible. My friend Leonardo DiCaprio has just produced an amazing documentary on this subject. The film was created using over 150 hours of interviews with some of the brightest minds on the planet, including physicist Stephen Hawking and Nobel Prize winner Wangari Maathai. Moreover, Leo himself is very eloquent and persuasive in this movie. I recommend it highly. Through interviews and beautiful footage of the environment, The 11th Hour demonstrates how human beings have created the climate crisis and related environmental crises, and shows that we have the means to solve them. The 11th Hour is both a portrait of a planet and a source of hope and solutions. I hope that you will go to see this important film. You can find out if The 11th Hour is playing near you by visiting: http://11thhouraction.com/seethefilm <http://11thhouraction.com/seethefilm>

Thank you, Al Gore

My letter and remarks to Dr. Purser:

It doesn't take an Al Gore or Decaprio to sell me on man's tendency to deface the planet. All I have to do is look around me and I can clearly see that it is a total mess. Descelles, a brilliant writer at the Noetic Institute once described humans, "As those big-brained primates on a roll." My question is who are they "rolling" over--but themselves in the long tumble? However, on the up side, there are growing numbers of good people out there, like Al and yourself, that are conscious and energetic enough to try to clean up after them. I used to go down to the parks, streams and lakes and do just that, tossing out all the debris that was cluttering up the place. Why in Oklahoma I couldn't even go to one lake without first picking up all the crap that others left. And the lake was totally littered everywhere with every imaginable piece of rubbish. It's pathetic, but intellect doesn't really have much to do with intelligence.

One of my pet sayings is, "You can tell a lot about a person by their garbage." Another adage is, "Garbage in, garbage out!"

Let's face it, the first and primary cleaning must start with wholistic consciousness; it's the only do-able template. Once we implement that--everything that is worthwhile will follow its imprint.

Many blessings will surely follow good intent!

Nahu Lanham

29 August 2007


There once was a grieving cell
Who felt isolated from the Whole
Because some pesky biologist
Had enucleated his individual soul—
To find out how why we congregate, he said,
Into complex groups of three or four,
They had cut out his beating heart
And left him empty at the core!
But some kindly soul came along
To tap him on the back,
He said, don’t worry my little friend
It isn’t unity you lack;
No need now for silly reproducing
Or division--here’s the latest score--
The DNA God is dead
And you are free to soar!
Now all you need is to embrace
The HOLOVERSE as a single entity—
Reach out beyond the limited Self
To visions of what true UNITY CAN BE!
Note: This poem is dedicated to Dr. Bruce Lipton and all those who were a part of his great new discoveries in genetical research and the new science of Epigenetics.
Blessings! Nahu Lanham

28 August 2007


Just a brief shout out to the individuals in the crowd who have felt the pressures peering in on you, trying to get you to fall into the gravitational black holes that draw us into the stereotypes.
Listen, there is nothing that sets us apart but our beliefs, no matter what you might believe. Never let anyone lay a load of that on you, move out of the way and let it fall where it may, right there in the lap of the perpetuator.

Never buy into another person's interpretation of you. If you have a dream, be like Martin Luther King, and live it out to the maximum. You have a right to be you, because there is no other person like yourself. You are unique just like you are.

Find out what you want to do and follow through all the way with it. Keep focused on that dream and never give it up, because who knows, you might surprise someone out there, namely the person in the mirror.

Who know's, you could be next year's grand champion in your own category, whatever it might be.

I intend to change the face of sprinting in the near future and win the Olympic's at an age when they say it can't be done. I know I can do it, because I believe in myself. I started out early struggling to be me, because I was plagued with lot's of detractors in the form of negating foster parents-brothers and others, who were constantly trying to discourage everything I tried to say and to be.

There is an old saying that "What doesn't kill you, makes your stronger!" We can only hope that by the time you get to that point in life you haven't succumbed to the pressure's that can and will try to pull you down.




REMEMBER; What you see is what you get, 'cause what you see is where you're at, 'cause where you're at--IS WHERE IT IS!



13 August 2007


Often we think of the act of giving as an action word and receiving as simply passive. But that doesn't need to be the case. Receiving can be as active as giving.

Take for instance if you are walking down the street and someone throws some negative remark out at you and you react by slinging something equally offensive back. Believe it or not, that is actually a passive form of behavior, specifically because you are reacting rather than taking charge of your energy.

Next time this occurs try "judoing" the negative energy by smiling friendly or giving your head an understanding nod, as though you read the intent in a friendly way. Strangely enough, many time this can actually convert the negative intented energy into good.

One may wonder how this can occur when the intent on the part of the other person was intentionally to offend. The reason is that the two involved in such events are exchanging energy that can and does take the creative form of how it is shared.

In this regards than, the act of receiving becomes an active word because someone took conscious control of the way they handled the energy exchange.

In the world today we see many different kinds of energy exchanges that can quickly escalate out of control or remain in control, depending upon how people "act" or "react" in response to the words other people share with them. Words are energy and because they are, they can be converted into new forms spontaneously, depending upon how you receive them and give them back.

Remember this: Someone can't give you something if you don't receive it. We have conscious control over our energy and can use it anyway we choose. It's up to us how we use or abuse it. As is the nature of energy, it is of an absolutely malleable essence and can be converted into anything we desire it to be.

Therefore, let us learn to wisely use the energy we exchange; it could be all the difference between a peaceful and warlike existence.

Peace to you always~~
Nahu Lanham


After reading an article on the internet that revealed our low rating in the world for life expectancy, and after reading posts about "why," I couldn't help but cough up the following social phlegm. Now I ask for your endulgence and that you consider what this country is turning into if we don't act concertedly to stop the corruption.

If you want to know why we lag behind all those other countries just take a good look at your television, movies--even today after tons of examples most people disregard the fact that cigarette smoking leads to death. They continue to suck on those cancer sticks, even though they are hacking themselves into an early grave.

Tons of people still practice 'random sex' with strangers without condoms, in fact promiscuity is "in" on every dating show on t.v., even though aids is still going strong and is just as deadly.
People eat fatty, fast foods and never exercise and its considered cool in most of the movies and slick t.v. shows, even when they are told almost daily that diets like these lead to an early grave.
People continue to drink beer, wine and other mixed drinks, whiskey, vodka and whatever else sounds chique or "in," disregarding the fact that it rots the liver and produces esophageal cancer. Again, check the tellie, currrently stupid alcohol ads have sneaked right past censorship and are shown daily after many shows, including children's programs and during sports, as if drinking had something to do with masculinity. In fact, a lot of television focuses on subliminal drinking ads in comedies and college oriented (such as Girl's Gone Wild) sexual videos and documentaries.

Look at our children, they are gross, over pampered, sensationalistic brats, exposed to sex, violence in the movies, poor dieting in schools and at home--because many of the parents are getting high and are just too lazy to care.

We live in an indulgent, sick society that imitates the worst elements from the inner city who perpetuate stupid gang principles as a way of life. Why, we can't even get our tatooed, lip-pierced, low rider, ass-exposing, baggy pants-wearing kids to pay attention to anything but smoking dope and yelling "What's up dude," or "f-- you, man," long enough to turn the cacophony of 'ho's', shorties, slippin’ past the man, optimum primo smoke, gang signals, crip blasting, race baiting, low life rap music off to listen.

And don't ask the doctors for guidance either, because all they can think about is "Do you have insurance," or "Here, let me write you a prescription for pharmaceuticals," you don't even need. Every form of quackery is available, including steroids, because they are easy money for unscrupulous doctors to exploit--and almost anyone can get whatever they want, including fake excuses from work and insurance scames, right from their family physician.

Most of our movie star’s who should be symbols for our children to emulate, (never mind what they are teaching the adults that adore them) but instead most them are idiots, drug addicts or simply so screwed up they are incapable of leading, (except a few) let alone acting as examples of anything morally noteworthy to follow.

That's right folks, check out your television closely, because in reality it has been taken totally over by corrupt, criminal syndicate chiefs who hide behind liberalism and freedom of speech because it fools the critics and those who make it easy to slip crap by us when it is packaged in “trendy” or “cool” dialogue.

It used to be that most of the obvious crooks ran Las Vegas, but the term "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas," has pervaded the U.S. and crime has become a way of life on every strata.

You wonder why nothing is really being done about environmental crimes or why we keep hearing more about silly, little rich girls going to jail for DUI’s when all this is going on? It’s a smoke screen to hide the fact that our cities are run by corrupt politicians and even our president is made fun of on roasts that turn his wisest sayings into a joke. It has become passe to trust politicians because they are shown in every way to be obvious hustlers and con artists.

So what's a little more bad food, environmental poison and ill health and our children got to do with it? Why all this corruption and negative imagery has become a way of life; that's why it's overlooked.

To tell the truth, it takes an extremely focused head and an independent mind to stay out of the refuse that is presented as healthy or cool and survive in a time when going against what is intelligent and logical is considered weak and silly.
I wish to applaud all of us for keeping our heads up and our vision clear here at the Noetic Institute. We are the front runners and possibility thinkers that must now lead this social ship that is swiftly sinking in the slime and quickmire of our present society.
Nahu Lanham

12 August 2007


“As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.”

The above is a biblical verse from Proverbs 23.7 once made popular since it was originally said to be espoused by the wise and learned Solomon and later taken up by many philosophers such as James Allen, Emerson, Mahatma Gandhi and Demosthenes who once wrote: "You cannot have a proud and chivalrous spirit if your conduct is mean and paltry; for whatever a man's actions are, such must be his spirit."

What we discover in this phrase is well taken because it reflects the inner content of intention, a subject that is well under scrutiny among those of IONS. Look first to change that which is within one's inner self and the changes that you wish to see in the world shall follow.

Thus, the problems arising within the world are a direct indication of changes needed within oneself and within the collective consciousness of the world spirit.

Between the two a dynamic tension arises, continuing to manifest itself as dipoles one wholistic system of energy. What changes occur inwardly dramatically affect us as a whole. That is why IONS is such a vital, collective spiritual cauldron vulcanizing change through the reflective sharing of awareness that otherwise go unspoken in the world.

In that sacred space of collective spirit, creative change is instigated every moment, especially when it is energized by meditations like those of 'great space' envisioned by Tibetan teacher Tarthang Tulku in the Nyingma tradition and written so eloquently of in his book, Time,Space and Knowledge, or the spiritual practices envisioned by Eckhart Tolle in, The Power of the Now.

These two space-expansive, time-shrinking meditations cut through the chafe of Maya to illumine a wholeness that reduces the dissonance of separation and fanciful evolutionary adaptations, into the easily accessible Point of the Present. This is a place where all measurements begins and end in the thoughts we focus upon during our daily mental rituals. Disciplined thinking and awareness requires some effort to bring the wayward mind under the control of spirit—however, once focused and aligned, each person becomes a singular center of consciousness that can unite the world into a uncommon joy. This is, in essence, the true nexus of a Spiritual IQ.

Let's transcend the dissonance and unite the differences by educating everyone to these brilliant yet simple spiritual gems.

Blessed be~
Nahu Lanham

28 July 2007


The the Art of being One with Your Target

Life is a hapless shooting, for the most part, at vague images somewhere 'out there' beyond the confines of our reality, when in truth the target is closer than you might think...Nahu

When we shoot for a target the resulting effort implies that a distance exists between our selves and the intended goal. That is, between the target and the archer.

To reduce the element of uncertainty of time and space in which the complete movement must take place, the entire drawing of the arrow, placement in the bow and release, must be achieved with one quick, smooth movement. To attain the high level of focus and proficiency required by this task takes diligent practice. Thus, perfection of this technique aims at maximum focus or the absolute reduction of uncertainty through speed, coordination and concentration.

Seen from a deeper level, the art of Zen Focusing requires the kind of unusual perceptual acuity that involves more then simply aiming with your eye, hand, or the smooth coordination of your body to succeed in hitting your target of choice; whatever that goal may be, it also takes a high degree of spiritual awareness. This smooth focus and release must attain an unconscious depth of body/mind unity. Like all higher spiritual practices, to do so requires that both the object and subject become united, as completely as possible.

Try to visualize the process like this: See your target and your self as One. When you release your arrow, let go of your desires and the uncertainty of achieving them. Think of what you seek out there to accomplish in the world (your target), is already one with you. Remember: though the target and the archer appear to be separate entities, they are fragments of an unknown, yet implicate state of ONENESS.

Therefore, true focus necessitates reunion of your inner and outer Self into a new awareness of ONENESS. The true aim of Zen Archery than is: Returning to a state of No Separations Between Self and World.
Eugen Herrigel (1953), describes Zen in archery as follows: 'The archer ceases to be conscious of himself as the one who is engaged in hitting the bull's-eye which confronts him. This state of unconscious is realized only when, completely empty and rid of the self, he becomes one with the perfecting of his technical skill, though there is in it something of a quite different order which cannot be attained by any progressive study of the art..."

Note: When you have hit your focused target of ONENESS, newly discovered within you, the quest for its location somewhere out there in the world will be over.
Namaste' Nahu

17 July 2007


Note: As you begin this blog remember that all space and therefore time are curved, thus forming a dynamic circle.

Suffice it say, in this brief blog, that the art of finding our absolute sense of balance between dualistic forces, often referred to as Yin and Yang, essentially represent the disparity and reunion of the poles within the dynamics of our being.

One's ability to find the absolute point or fulcrum of balance in our being conjugates with a vertex* that begins with that point and joins diametrically with our life path. In this sense, then, where we are coming from, determines the absolute point,line and circle to where we are going. And I say this not to confuse you, but to illumine.

Case in point:

Last night, while on one of my many lucid journeys to inner teachers and the light, I was shown a unique principle that at first baffled and then amazed me. It had to do with what could be termed an "absolute point" and what it teaches us.

My guide, though nebulous in structure, more a gentle spirit garbed in simple efficiency, took me to what could be called a powerful energy point (Feng Shui literally meaning air and water). At its outermost edge stood a great crucible or pot and in it was a clear fluid filled with a powdery substance, which I intuitively knew represented the divine elixir.* After meditating on this crucible of energy and partaking of a drink, we climbed down the precipitous edges of the escarpment, which was in itself quite significant symbolically and syncronistically. As we came down to the lower edges I got a chance to glance downward and saw that we ,indeed, were on an outermost precipice that led to infinity. My guide explained to me (which resonated strongly within)that I had been there once before and that this place was extremely important to me, though I felt a tremor run through my body as anxiety rushed through me as I realized the frailty of my mortality and this immediate threat to it.

Later, as I awoke I meditated, which is my first activity upon waking, on the significance of the dream, and as I did so I found myself back at the edge of the precipice looking down and far beyond the great edges I saw what he was showing me.

Looking directly downward, approximately 500 feet or more and slightly off the escarpment in what appeared to be an ocean, was a gigantic whirlpool. I was immediately reminded of the horrible maelstrom that is off the coast of Norway, known as Moskstraumen, and written about so frightingly in the tale by E.A. Poe.

Suddenly, in a flash of light, the meaning of the dream became clear to me! It was a Feng Shui point or doorway between dimensions, accessible by a gigantic vortex similar to a wormhole. I was at the point of transformation between realities and was being guided into transition.

Summation: The gist of the teaching of this great learned master of inner space, became wholly accessible to me at this stage as:

It is not absolute space that we should concern ourselves with, that is, the idea of expanding in our meditation to absolute space, as many might surmise. This is an attempt to escape the responsibilities of the present. The most important element here is that we learn to deal with the pressures at the absolute contraction point.

This is the "critical limit" point where anxieties reign paramount and the situation requires pivotal thinking and responding. We must learn to use the pressures of the moment to make the changes rather avoiding them. In a nutshell, the whole teaching reveals a need to 'flow with the go, rather just to go with the flow,' if you will.

Cosmology teaches us this lesson, if you believe the theory of the "big bang," which I do in part. Though I lean toward a belief in an oscillating universe, namely because without absolute expansion, the dynamic tension that results from the springing back at the point of maximum contraction, we would not have the momentum to expand to absolute space. It is from this oscillation between extremes that we gain the thermodynamic energy to propel the locomotion of our lives through each new experience--if we learn to utilize the energy that results from this principle in a Taoistic manner.

Therefore, cherish the pressures at these energy change points and learn to use them well, because they are diamonds in the rough--if we learn to let the light in these moments shine through our learning.

Peace from inner space~Nahu Lanham

*By usage of the word 'vertex' I am referring to both a node or nodal point as on a graph, and a local extreme point found in a curve.*http://www.eng.taoism.org.hk/daoist-scriptures/major-scriptures/pg3-2-75.asp



I am a professional psychic and have been with it for over forty years. I have the ability to see into the physical body, some call it Medical Intuitive, plus I have seen forward, backwards and sideways through time, and I have visited other dimensions outside of this space-time continuum.

Beings from other dimensions have spoke with me and directed my development and have shown me things about the structure and nature of reality. I OOBe quite frequently and know that lucid dreaming is a doorway between worlds. Synchronicity is the principle by which I live my life and I have an intuitive sense of the Whole in Every Part. I have communicated with many forms of life including both plants and animals and they with me.

My life has been a series of mystical happenings and it is not unusual for me gain tremendous insights through dreams and retain it upon waking. To me spirit communication is as real as communication in the physical and I am quite sensitive to vibrations of many sorts.

I say all this not to brag, amuse or entertain anyone, but to tell you that there are no real limitations to your psychic self-development or awarenesses than that which you allow them to be. You are in charge of your abilities and it is only because you choose not to release yourself from the entrapment of Maya for a time, partly because of experiences in another time and space, that you seek outside of yourself today for confirmation of that which is truly yours to use and explore.

Finally, the nature of the holoverse is that of Maya or illusion, be not fooled by its appearances. You are at the very center of reality, controlling what you encounter via your own perspective. Think of your perspective, or the ego-I, as being like a telescope, but with the capacity to expand outward like a pyramid in the creation of the world you view as external, or to collapse inward into the subatomic realm through the form of a vortex. This duality is your psychic key to multiple worlds.

Remember this: You are the captain of the ship of SELF bound to mystical shores of your own experiences. Not long ago you strove to open the door to your greater self but chose, at that point, to close it. Now again that door is beckoning--and it is now up to you to make that decision to open it--which you will.

Are you ready for the new challenge just ahead? Your life is just about ready to really begin.

My blessings on your trip inward. You have many worlds to visit this time around.

Nahu Lanham
author of: UFOs: God FROM INNER SPACE

10 July 2007


Most people are aware of ectoplasm as being the substance or rind forming the outer shell in the cytoplasm of the cell, but it is also a common substance produced at materializations said to be formed at various orifices of a spirit medium.This I believe to be true, though many may choose to dispute it.

Interestingly, the substance that is formed as an intermediate material housing for the spirit as it morphs from non-physical realms into the physical is formed out of similar, basic bio-polymer substances. The main differences are that at the stage of materializations, ectoplasm (or 'outer body' from the Greek) is actually the primary vessel secondary to the objectification of a non-physical source, before it becomes a solid.

When studying the similarities in both substances, I was immediately reminded of the works of the late Wilhelm Reich (March 24, 1897–November 3, 1957) an Austrian-American psychiatrist and psychoanalyst and student of the great doctor Sigmund Freud, works on the bio-energy force said to compose the atmosphere and all living matter, which he called "orgone." A direct correlation and derivation of this pre-substance or prima materia was said to come about as a result of the release of sexual or "creative" energy in the production of what I term the bio-hologram, which I feel is also synonymous with Maya.

Recognizing that these descriptions together referred essentially to one energy matrix, I was able to note a relationship appeared to exist between orgone/ectoplasm and sexual or creative energy. They are in essence, the same phenomena that can be found in any primary physical production at a primary level and produce an exudence that all bear common elements thereof.
If we start with the premise that at heart of creation exists what quantum scientists term the 'observation principle', it is clear that the effective release of one's creative energies depend essentially upon our centered awareness of the ONENESS we have of our complicity with the Divine Source within SELF.

Later, adding new insights gained from my studies of Carl Jung and the nature of the archetype, I began to realize that mind was the main ingredient here--and that moreover, that the UFO (as described by Carl Jung in his book Flying Saucers} was a key factor left out of understanding the molding effect of spiritual energy as it produced the illusions or materializations of the physical plane.

I began to see the ONENESS implicit in the parts and realized that everything was really united in ego perspective at every level of energy, and that what we were seeing in the 3-d configuration was only our beliefs refined by gradations into coalesced form.

Of course, the central factor here rests in the realization that we exist in the creative epicenter of a bio-energy hologram which can be manipulated at a sub-atomic level.
A this point where wave and particle depart-impart, observer and observed became one as the heady phenomenon of the whole and the parts. This is the answer to the riddle of Maya; i.e., it is reducible to the common manipulation of collective symbols.

From this insight I intuitively extrapolated that release needn't mean so much the turning off the flow into the physical we call the Maya, but realizing how we were creating it. Like Ram Dass, I too believe that we don't have to get into a negative trip about critiquing ourselves, but to learn to understand how we make collectively contributory use of the energies.

Blessings from the Source~
Nahu Lanham

14 June 2007


Every time I see the results of war and devastation on innocent victims of "adults behaving badly" I think of that rediculous saying above. "Take the toys away from the boys",a radical newspaper headline read under a photo of long lines of tanks, armored cars and rockets all prepped and ready for 'legalized murder."

I shuttered remembering the wild antics of my own father as he reached for the gun just under the divan and shot my brother "n" law over a bottle of hooch and a stupid wrestling match on the tellie. Fact is, he had five guns hidden in the living room all primed and ready for violence, and went for them every time there was any indication of an opportunity. I should know, I was on the receiving end of his gun toting impetuosity, and ran more than once for cover to avoid his crazed reactions.

You know, the one's we have to think about most of all in this craziness we call 'the right to bear arms' is the children, women and old folks caught-up in the fallout, they are the real victims often called by the government the accidental or incidental 'collateral damage.'

Iraq is one endless bloody reminder of this kind of damage, and another not very long ago was the Isreali/Lebanon conflict that still burns images in my skull of armless and legless children being carried, and the anguished, crying faces of people who moaned out the collective question, "Why? Why? Why??"

And still, the hue and cry goes out for the right to bear arms, while society keeps saying, guns and war are reserved "for adult's only". But think a minute, isn't that the worst misnomer, I mean, who are--the adults here? Is it those children bearly 18, the youth who must die in the futile struggle of the older generation battling over a world no one can own?

The truth still remains, we are all the victims when we allow this kind of insanity to continue. We must work together, everyone, to end these inane limbic system games, residue of our reptilian past. Wars and weapons of mass destruction must come to an end and the world body stand up and act like they have functioning prefrontal lobes and think what kind of future these anachronisms bring, before we act.

We must begin the construction of a New World incentive of collecive, peaceful co-existence based on mutual respect and forged by that spiritual golden rule, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you," but this time really mean it!!

Nahu Lanham

01 June 2007


The Spirit World
Lo, all about
Now comes
With a sweeping rush--
Through the night tides chill
And the mornings dove trill
Saffron robes flowing at dusk!
Murmuring voices throng
Down a hallway long
In billowing gossimer glide
As stairways creak
And tapered walls speak
In a cryptic note
How they moan!
From marbled darkness
Rising souls flee
In a moment of glee
With Spirit wings—See them fly~
Through a numinous night
On an orange-tinged flight
From the lingering
Pull of the tomb.

Nahu Lanham
From my collection of Poems
Copyright Circa 2007

31 May 2007


I understand that moving toward a probable future that is free of the Money Game seems pretty far out for most people caught up in the daily grind of 24/7--let's all make a buck before we get to heaven.

Clearly, my vision is one from a Probable Future far outside the so-called reality stream we think of as the Present. After all, how could one survive and not make money? It is at present, obviously unrealistic--except perhaps to those Possibility Thinkers who can ride the crest wave of the Present and sense that world that we might call the "future" where money is not needed--that is the world that I percieve.

Certainly it smacks of Utopian thinking, and everyone knows that believing in such fanciful places is, for the most part, unrealistic. But I am not a linear thinker or feeler,for that matter. I choose to step out beyond the facade of the Present into the wave stream and swim beyond the comfort zone of our collective Maya pool.

I can see that world glowing radiantly "among the waves" which flow from a future reality where everyone lives in harmony and shares the resources of a unified world. This kind of perception requires the use of psychic antennae to sense the pulsating wave fronts that cascade about us, and in which we are enmeshed.

It is exciting to know that there are waves of Probability that can take us anywhere we want to go--if we are able to leave the illusions of our beliefs behind, just for a moment. Then we can really soar!

Won't you come along with me on a Magic Carpet Ride? Ants long ago found that wave and never stopped churning out a totally unified communal Whole--neither did the harmonious bee in his hive of focused sharing. Meditate on the hive mentality or the harmony of the communal ant and you will get an idea what this New World out there in this sea of waves is like, that I sense with my inner eye and ear.

And you know, the most wonderful part of it is, changing waves is only a belief away!

Nahu Lanham

27 May 2007


Currently, there are many pundits selling get-rich-quick books based on secret formulas that assure rapid transitions from poverty to excessive wealth. There is something about this kind of thinking that doesn't feel right to me. It is far too close to some very real problems growing in the world with run-away economics that lead to bizarre endings.

I feel that a word of warning should go out to these proponents and their adherents who promulgate such schemes and ideas specifically because:

a) Acquiring easy riches doesn't guarantee individual happiness or moreover, the fulfillment of our collective well-being.

b) According to some leading economic theorists, wealth may actually lead nations into global wars fueled by hatred, greed and violence.

Please read the following information gleaned from the book, World On Fire, by Amy Chua:

"Chua sets the backdrop for her thesis challenging the conventional wisdom that exporting "free market democracy" would transform the world into a "community of modernized, peace-loving nations, and individuals into civic-minded citizens and consumers". Instead, we have witnessed ethnic violence, religous zealotry and hateful resentment. The Balkans, Zimbabwe, Indonesia, Rwanda and other recent current eruptions of ethnic violence serve up tragic proof."

The question that arises is, why does this happen? "Well, Chua contends that it's the combination of "market dominant minorities", implementation of unfettered laissez faire capitalism, and rapid democratization enabling impoverished majorities to lash back. The phenomenon of market dominant minorities can occur on a national level, like in the Phillipines, or on a regional level, as in the middle east where 220 million largely poor Arabs co-exist with 5 million more prosperous Jews. Or on a national stage, as America is perceived as controlling the world, to the detriment of natives across the globe. Post 9/11 anti-Americanism was cited - while we view our economic success as the result of entrepreneurial spirit and generations of hard work, others say our wealth and power are the "spoils of plunder, exploitation, and exclusion".

These are valid points to ponder in the rush to get to the top of our Mt. Everest of "resonant" financial success. The warning everyone needs to consider on the way is, "take a little time out to consider the consequences at the end of your rainbow..."

Many blessings!
Nahu Lanham


Key phrases probably more than abused in our Money and Success-Oriented Society, are the terms "Upward Mobility, or The Land of Opportunity!" Oh, how those phrases turn me off!

These phrases, I suppose, are meant to imply 'let's get to the top of the heap as fast as we can, and with all the ruthlessness it takes to get there!" Or something of that ilk!

Let's take an honest look at this kind of non-thinking--where is it really coming from? For openers it's originating at the lowest, most primitive part of our limbic system, somewhere back there in that Darwinian "survival of the fittest" "dog-eat-dog" mentality that is at the root of our worst behavior--birthed from the core of our beloved Money Game.

Without moving away from the Money Game we can never expect to move toward World Unity or hope for realistic Global Consciousness. The heart of the issue centers on Money Games that lead to the disease of class struggle.

Change can only come through a rise in consciousness that creates a natural offspring; A UNITED SPIRIT OF SHARING. Moreover, it can't be locked into a Spiritual Movement bound by proselytizing denominational dogma's, classist charity schemes, or hidden political agenda's.
To move into this kind of NEW WORLD, free of MONETARY PERVERSIONS, our entire thinking as a species now tainted by financial achievement ideas, must be thrown out the window, because they blot out our noblest ambitions and dull the capacity for realistically, sincere, unified endeavors of WHOLENESS.

Why,the whole idea of CLASS, WEALTH and SPIRITUALITY are antipodal, even though our present dreams of happiness have become psychologically entangled in the fancies of Prosperity Thinking, which has permeated the core of even our most fervent spiritual endeavors--and we all know who has been responsible for the worst kinds of these monetary exploitations--the very institutions we place so much hope in for the highest and most noble ideas as a people.
Let's face it--Who ends up footing the bill for world reformation and the feeding of the poor? It is the people who know what it is like to be poor, people who can sympathize with the lower end of the financial spectrum, people who have suffered under the thumb of classism.

The savage drive toward individual survival has become a rat race to achieve financial success, an uncessary burden we have carried for far too long. We must climb our way upwards from the muck and the mire of primitive, uncivil, social regressions based on these kinds of petty financial aims, to a New World free of the insane leadership they engender (with those who obviously have devious, barbaric, criminal ambitions)--and began to act and live like Higher Beings.

We as a Species must now began to pull ourselves up to the next level of growth. Our brains and nervous systems have all the neuronal synapses necessary to foster this rise in consciousness, and we have but to take the next step--the step that frees us from the addiction we have to that monster of greed and selfishness that lurks in the illusions of the ALMIGHTY DOLLAR!!

Let us rise like cream to the top of our social game of life and began to act like Global Humanity and leave this savage, classist, monetary parochialism behind us in the dust of an ancient, and soon to be discarded past.

Many blessings!
Nahu Lanham

24 May 2007


Are we, as Richard Dawkins suggests, sacrifices to our genes, or do we have a choice in the matter? The question that arises is how far do we take the sacrificial equation? For instance Dawkins portrays us as: "Survival machines--robot vehicles." The Selfish Gene, Oxford University Press, Great Britain, 1990.

But isn't that a double entendre? After all, if we are 'robots' doesn't that negate self-awareness?
Dawkins wrote: "We are survival machines--robot vehicles blindly programmed to preserve the selfish molecules known as genes." My question is, what does this say about Dawkins' sense of self-awareness and control? Perhaps he is the robot who feels controlled by a power beyond himself--dare we call it a genetic God? His comments all seem to hint that "the devil made me do it," the deus ex machina, the ghost in the machine that is responsible for his behavior and somehow is keeping him from acting responsibly to address his own issues on will.

This idea sets a dangerous precedent, because if we buy into it, the right to "free will" must be thrown out the window. Let's face it, altruism requires action on our part--to change the world in a constructive manner, takes persoal action. If we are controlled by a selfish gene that demands sacrifice without compensation, then the results of the sacrifice would be in vein. Would you not agree with this contention?

Dawkins does not include, as far as I know, any recognition of the importance of numinous transformations of consciousness and the Maharishi effect, that encounter with the Divine which produces an epiphany and changes our direction in life from a selfish mode, to one that produces extreme acts of selfless-sacrifice to others or to the world as a Whole.

In its place he writes about a male mantis that is eaten by the female during copulation to insure the continuation of the species. Unfortunately, this example doesn't include any participatory insights into the male's consciousness of the role he plays in the act. In fact,the interpretation almost comes off sounding suspiciously anti-female--

More specifically, the ultimate question that unfolds, is what part in our genetic evolution do we play? Isn't there something positive in us that influences the future to change the course of human history--wasn't that trait implicate in Darwin's assumptions that evolution has a goal; that of survival--survival for what and at what price, seems the bigger quest.

What is the ultimate implication here, that we change just for our individual self-fulfillment or is it ultimately that the species AND THE PLANET as a WHOLE, is assured?

Somehow I think that beneath it all, God has managed to survive in this Wholeness we have managed to assign to our own demands.

With human conscientiousness~
Nahu Lanham