17 September 2007


Back in 1975 I was running home, as usual, from work where I was a waiter in a club called 9-of-Cups. Even though I worked on my feet all day it was still a joy to run home late at night. But that night, when I ran home, it had rained hard and the street was littered with downed tree limbs and debris. I guess I should have been more careful but it was so much fun to sprint through the streets that I didn't see one particular long branch which caught my forward momentum, severely twisting my ankle and foot, upon which I fell heavily.

At first ignoring it, another automatic habit of mine, I got up and started running once again, but suddenly, to my surprise, excrutiating pain shot through my ankle and I collapsed down upon it with a groan. Wow, this time it really hurt.

Carefully I got back up and limped home. At home I soaked my ankle for a few minutes in cold water and went to bed. By 4 AM I was turning and tossing with terrible pain and anguish. Reluctantly, I went to the hospital seeking help.

At the door of the emergency room they asked me if I had insurance, which I didn't, in fact, I only had twenty dollars on me and my credit, at that time, was fairly shot. As is the standard of any business institutions, (not healing temples) they refused me service and wouldn't take my twenty down.

Suffice it to say that being in horrible pain I was in no mood to fool with them and started complaining loudly--finally they recanted and let me come in, bitterly taking my last twenty as if disgusted, as a down payment. Inside a clerk checked me in as I sat on a chair next to her desk.

The pain hurt so badly that I put my foot up on the desk to relieve the it. Rudely, she swept my foot off on the floor and said, "Don't put your foot up on my desk!" The sudden pain was almost unbearable.
The next thing I was taken into an x-ray room to discover what I already knew, that the foot was broken severely. They gave me a set of crutches and told me to come back in two days.
Back home the next day, after the rude treatment, and now possessing a charge of 290.00 dollars for an x-ray and crutches, I made up my mind to apply my own skills at healing. So I called a couple of spiritually gifted friends and altogether we laid hands on my foot. In two days I was up and running again and the pain was completely gone--the swelling was gone down too.

From then on I made up my mind never to get any treatment from hospitals or so-called doctors unless there was no alternative. And I never did to this day. I stopped using any medicines--not even aspirins. I don't take drugs at all (and not so-called leisure sorts) into my system, not even white sugar. I found that we can do most of what we need ourselves with positive visualization and belief. After all, healing doesn't come from outside us, it comes from within--and our connection to the creative healing source of the Holoverse, which is our collective Selves working as ONE, united in MIND AND SPIRIT.

Also, since then, I have been actively engaged in healing people. If anyone needs a healing let me know and I will help them.

Here is a recent healing I wish to share with everyone at the Noetic Institute that someone wrote me about that I performed last month in San Francisco on a lady, while I was spending a short vacation there.

This letter came to me via Blackberry and is totally untouched or changed in any way for your enjoyment: THE HEALING

Wendell wants to talk to you. Ever since you saw her mother and did that healing--she has made, according to doctors and nurse-- a "miraculous recovery". She has regained her mental acuity (no longer deusional), she is now walking, going to physical therapy, gaining weight, and active. They said they have never seen anyone in her condition and age make such a swift and dramatic recovery.
RonSent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

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