08 October 2007

UFOs, God and the Spiral Template

Just got off the phone from a fantastic radio interview with Jerry Pippin about my new book UFOs: GOD FROM INNER SPACE--ttp://fastwalkers.com/featured/JerryPippin.htm
Within minutes of that interview, synchronistically, this video suddenly appeared in my email that I am including of a spiral-shaped UFO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76VSjppjWDY&mode=related&search=

I am sure a number of people here are familiar with the fact that I have written a book about UFOs that explains the phenomena as an intra-dimensional materialization process that involves mind on a quantum level and an internal, creative principle I term the Spiral Template.

The body of this principle is essentially toroidal and flattens out into a lenticular or lens-shaped form, similar to the pattern seen in the mega-galaxies and the exemplified by fractals, sea shells and helical-shaped structures throughout the world.

It is also the term for my model that describes Spirit or the Creative Principle in nature.
Having said this I wish to share with you this video sent to me from a gentleman in the UK who has a wonderful website devoted to UFO related phenomena, of a recent film taken over Brooklyn by two men. In this film the spiral or revolving toroidal shape is quite observable as it moves away over the horizon. Please note the spinning effect and lights. As I see it, UFOs have the capacity of changing shape via a tetrahedron/vortical source activated by the mind of the individual apperceiving it. Bear in mind that at the center of this constellation of energies reside the nuclei of the holographic Self, thus each individual encounters beings meaningful to their own personal archetypal or symbolic memory bank.

For those who are familiar with the UFO as seen by a multitude of witnesses, it manifests itself in an energetic, cyclonal spiral radiating light and affecting EM fields as it moves about. I believe that this is a paranormal polymerization phenomena and that is why we find residue such as angel hair, as it is known.

I base these assumptions upon my personal encounter with a swirling, spiral light that activated a total spiritual and psychic transformation in my psyche, now over forty years ago. That particular activation has never ceased and even to this day I have numerous UFO related dreams and encounters with intra-dimensional teachers and synchronistic, paranormal experiences.

For those who may be follow up on this data they may view my book can at:http://outskirtspress.com/webpage.php?ISBN=1598001779

Many blessings~

Nahu Lanham

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