24 May 2007


I wanted to share this information which I found extremely helpful in demonstrating a basic "unknown" about the origin of the word GOD. The origin of the word for God came from the Greek "theos" or "theoria," (θεωρία). The word translates to "speculate," i.e., to think about or to ponder the vision of GOD.

What is most interesting about this interpretation is the little known fact about the origin's of the word God, according to my sources, it all began as an intellectual search for the meaning of the mystic state. Thus, firmly establishing that the etymological origins rest upon an exploratory,cognitive process involving the acquisition of knowledge--clearly an obvious left-brain activity.

And then there is the well known Professor Stephen Hawking who wrote:

"Einstein was very unhappy about this apparent randomness in nature. His views were summed up in his famous phrase, 'God does not play dice'. He seemed to have felt that the uncertainty was only provisional: but that there was an underlying reality, in which particles would have well defined positions and speeds, and would evolve according to deterministic laws, in the spirit of Laplace. This reality might be known to God, but the quantum nature of light would prevent us seeing it, except through a glass darkly."

Hawkings statement also demonstrates that behind the deepest of some our finest scientific thinkers,there is something undeniably mystical, even though it is demonstrated by an unquestionably left-brained approach to their deepest conclusions about the nature of God's imprint upon reality.

But then again, there have been many scientists who have contributed to our intellectual comprehension of the Whole and its Parts including:

Isaac Newton, Rene Descartes, Galileo Galilei, Nicolas Copernicus, Sir Francis Bacon, Johannes Kepler,Louis De Broglie, Albert Einstein, Masaru Emoto, Arnold Mindell, Julian Jaynes, Carl Jung, David Bohm, Michael Talbot, Fritjoff Capra, Robert Boyle, Gregor Mendel, William Thomson Kelvin, Max Planck and many, many more.

All outstanding logicians of science who believe in God, yet contributed outstanding information that led to humankinds deeper comprehension of the nature of spirit.

My best~
Nahu Lanham

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