09 May 2007


Somewhere around 1976 the biologist Richard Dawkins coined the term "meme" as "a unit of cultural transmission, or a unit of imitation," according to his works on socially transmitted ideas or genes. He gave us interesting examples such as tunes, catch-phrases, beliefs, clothes fashions, ways of making pots, or of building arches, etc, and in this we might add destructive behavior modes.

Memes were theoretically seen as culturally transferred behavior patterns that propagate or transmit social traits without a great deal of loss, supposedly to insure their replication and success. Susan Blackmore has even presented a theory in her book The Meme Machine (1999)that may replace the idea of an intuitive-naturalistic theory of mind. What is even more scarier about these ideas is the belief that holons, the basic units behind them may be impermeable to change, because it may be "quantized" at some unredeemable level of organization.

What drew me to study the implications of this theory of the transference and replication of group memories intra-socially through memes, was the far-reaching significance of its transmission, and hypothetically, potential disastrous consequences; i.e., how can we rid ourselves of a genetic program that is self-destructive, such as human exploitation of each other and the tendency toward irresponsible greediness?

The question that arises, have we manufactured a cultural gene, (like a robot system that takes over the world) that has gone on automatic pilot and is now bent on destroying its creator? In my blog, Why Humans? I intentionally probed at the possibility that humans may represent a genetic program that has gotten out of sync with the planetary holon, and has become a detriment to its integrity, acting like an antagonistic virus, if you will, and turning against its host. Now its behavior suggests it may need to be irradicated, less it destroys all life in its steroidal-hormonal-like growth surge.

Because of this situation, it is now imperative that we address two elements directly,

a) At what point does a meme grow stronger than its host, like a cancerous virus, and begin to overwhelm its environment? b) Can negative ramifications of this greed meme be dissolved?

To successfully conduct such integral, intra-social and psychological changes seems nearly impossible, though I do think it can be done, but we must begin mid-cycle in the replication cycle; i.e., within our sense of sharing freedom and responsibility.

The consequences of failing to administer these changes renders us victums of a criminal co-conspiracy,and unwitting proponents in the replication of a destructive, survivalist-oriented economic system. This kind of laisez-faire system transmits a social irresponsibility message that says it is okay to stand by and let evil be done in our country and abroad without taking responsible personal action to resist!

It is upon this meme of 'social irresponsibility' that we must now direct our concerted psychic laser and hopefully, alter the defective progamming before it is too late. We must stop the errant virus of selfishness and greed before it becomes too powerful.

And so I appeal to you, let us join as ONE holon of higher consciousness to visualize the end of this socially undesirable "cut-throat" economics that exploit everyone for the almighty dollar.

We created this illusory 'play-money game,' and we can dismantle it.

Many blessings!
Nahu Lanham

Will your Self
To see life changed
Take the plunge
Get rearranged
Crack the egg
Of systems past
Shift the mind
And make it last--
Walk the talk
And live the way
You are the answer
To change today.
Nahu 2007

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